2021-08-162021-08-162005-05Doğan, S. vd. (2005). "Large cavernous hemangioma of the frontal bone - Case report". Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica, 45(5), 264-267.0470-8105https://doi.org/10.2176/nmc.45.264https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/nmc/45/5/45_5_264/_articlehttp://hdl.handle.net/11452/21418A 53-year-old woman presented with a rare case of cavernous hemangioma of the frontal bone manifesting as right frontal stabbing headache and local swelling. Computed tomography revealed an extensive, well-defined, radiolucent, osteolytic lesion in the right frontal bone. The inner and outer tables of the skull were eroded and the lesion had compressed the brain parenchyma. Right frontal craniotomy was performed, and the lesion with a 1 cm-wide margin of surrounding uninvolved bone was removed. The defect was reconstructed with titanium mesh. The patient did well after the operation. The cosmetic results were satisfactory and follow up at 6 months post-surgery revealed no recurrence.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBone tumorIntraosseous hemangiomaCavernous hemangiomaSkullZygomaNeurosciences & neurologySurgeryDiagnosis, differentialFemaleFrontal boneHemangioma, cavernousHumansMiddle agedSkull neoplasmsLarge cavernous hemangioma of the frontal bone - Case reportArticle0002290829000122-s2.0-2044441495326426745515914968Clinical neurologySurgeryPrimary Intraosseous Vascular Malformation; Cavernous Hemangioma; Parietal BoneTitaniumAdultAnamnesisBone atrophyCase reportCavernous hemangiomaComputer assisted tomographyCraniotomyFemaleFollow upFrontal boneHeadacheHistopathologyHumanHuman tissueNeurologic examinationPhysical examinationTreatment outcome