Almacıoğlu, M. L.2024-01-092024-01-092013Armağan, E. (2013). “Cathecol-O-methyl transferase Val158Met genotype is not a risk factor for conversion disorder”. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12(1), 852-858.1676-5680 in catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) activity are involved in various types of neurological disorders. We examined a possible association between the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and conversion disorder in a study of 48 patients with conversion disorder and 48 control patients. In the conversion disorder group, 31 patients were Val/Met heterozygotes, 15 patients were Val/Val homozygotes and 2 patients were Met/Met homozygotes. In the control group, 32 patients were Val/Met heterozygotes and 16 patients were Val/Val homozygotes. There was no significant difference between the groups. We conclude that the COMT Val158Met genotype is quite common in Turkey and that it is not a risk factor for conversion disorder in the Turkish population.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBiochemistry & molecular biologyGenetics & heredityCOMTVal158Met genotypeConversion disorderMethyltransferase geneBipolar disorderConduct disorderEnzyme-activityCatecholPolymorphismAssociationAttentionAdhdAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAmino acid substitutionCatechol o-methyltransferaseChi-square distributionConversion disorderFemaleGene frequencyGenetic predisposition to diseaseGenotypeHumansMaleMiddle agedPolymorphism, geneticRisk factorsTurkeyYoung adultCathecol-O-methyl transferase Val158Met genotype is not a risk factor for conversion disorderArticle0003188644000922-s2.0-8488440373785285812123613193Biochemistry & molecular biologyGenetics & heredityCatechol Methyltransferase; Homozygote; PolymorphismCatechol methyltransferaseCatechol methyltransferaseAdolescentAdultAgedArticleClinical articleControlled studyConversion disorderFemaleGenetic associationGenetic polymorphismGenetic riskGenotypeHeterozygoteHomozygoteHumanMaleTurkey (republic)Amino acid substitutionChi square distributionEnzymologyGene frequencyGenetic polymorphismGenetic predispositionGeneticsMiddle agedRisk factorVery elderly