2022-11-092022-11-092011-02Irak, K. vd. (2011). "A case of torsion of the wandering spleen presenting as hypersplenism and gastric fundal varices". Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 22(1), 93-97.2148-5607https://doi.org/10.4318/tjg.2011.0165https://www.turkjgastroenterol.org/en/a-case-of-torsion-of-the-wandering-spleen-presenting-as-hypersplenism-and-gastric-fundal-varices-132719http://hdl.handle.net/11452/29440Wandering spleen is the displacement of the spleen from its normal location due to the loss or weakening of ligaments that hold the spleen in the left upper quadrant. The possibility of torsion of the spleen is high due to the long and mobile nature of the vascular pedicle. Generally, cases are asymptomatic. Under conditions of delayed diagnosis, symptoms of splenomegaly, left portal hypertension, gastric fundal varices, and hypersplenism. may present as a result of development of vascular congestion associated with chronic torsion. There are only a few cases in the literature reporting the association of wandering spleen and fundal vat-ices. We report herein the case of a 55-year-old female who admitted to our clinic with complaints of fatigue and epigastric pain. She was determined to have gastric fundal varices and hypersplenism secondary to the development of left portal hypertension due to chronic splenic torsion.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGastroenterology & hepatologyHypersplenismGastric fundal varicesWandering spleenTorsionEsophageal and gastric varicesFemaleHumansHypersplenismHypertension, portalMiddle agedTorsion abnormalityWandering spleenA case of torsion of the wandering spleen presenting as hypersplenism and gastric fundal varicesHipersplenizm ve gastrik fundal varislerle başvuran torsiyone gezici dalak olgusuArticle0002897101000182-s2.0-79953852923939722121480120Gastroenterology & hepatologyWandering Spleen; Splenectomy; Acute AbdomenAlanine aminotransferaseAspartate aminotransferaseBilirubinBilirubin glucuronideC reactive proteinCalciumCreatinineGamma glutamyltransferaseGlucoseHemoglobinPotassiumSodiumUreaAbdominal angiographyAdultAnemiaArticleCase reportColonoscopyComputer assisted tomographyCoombs testDoppler echographyEpigastric painErythrocyte sedimentation rateErythrocyte transfusionEsophagogastroduodenoscopyFatigueFemaleFollow upHematocritHistopathologyHumanHypersplenismInternational normalized ratioIron binding capacityIron blood levelLeukocyte countLiver biopsyPartial thromboplastin timePhysical examinationPortal hypertensionSplenectomyStomach fundusStomach varicesThrombocyteTorsionUrinalysisWandering spleen