Quattrocchi, Luigi2020-12-292020-12-292020Quattrocchi, L. (2020). "Book Review: Mosaicos romanos en el espacio rural: Investigación y puesta en valor,". Journal of Mosaic Research,13, 319-322.1309-047X2619-9165https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1375908http://hdl.handle.net/11452/14649The volume published (fig. 1) by “L’Erma di Bretschneider” orginated from the I+D+i project: “Patrimonio Arqueológico, Nuevas Tecnologías, Turismo, Educación y Rentabilización Social: Un nexo necesario para el yacimiento rural” (PATTERN). HAR2015-68059C2-2 (MINECO / FEDER, EU) directed by coordinator Luz Neira Jiménez and could count on the support of many academics from different institutions of Spain and Europe in general. It is therefore the result of four intense years of study which are enclosed in 18 contributions: the majority of them are about the site of the Roman villa of Fuente Álamo (Puente Genil, Córdoba), others explore other archaeological sites that help defining the general context of rural Roman mosaicseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRoma mozikleriMosaicos romanosBook Review : Mosaicos romanos en el espacio rural: Investigación y puesta en valorKitap İncelemesiArticle31932213