Yılmaz, E.McGarrigle, A. M.Vasovic, N.Yeğen, DinçerJaksic, Aleksandar2022-11-022022-11-022017-06-08Yılmaz, E. vd. (2017). ''Investigation of RadFET response to X-ray and electron beams''. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 127, 156-160.0969-8043https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.06.004https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969804316304122http://hdl.handle.net/11452/29321The irradiation response of Radiation Sensing Field Effect Transistor (RadFET), also known as MOSFET/pMOS dosimeter, to high energy X-rays and electron beams was investigated. The threshold voltages before and after irradiation were measured and the trap densities in the gate oxide and oxide/silicon interface of the RadFETs are evaluated. The RadFETs were irradiated with 6 MV X-rays, and 10 and 18 MeV electron beams emitted from a Linear accelerator (LINAC). Linear and non-linear fits to experimental results showed that after an initial linear response up to several Gy, deviation from the linearity occurred due to electric field screening by the radiation induced oxide trapped charges. The radiation-induced fixed traps (FTs) and switching traps (STs) were analysed and the FT density was found to be higher than the ST density for all beam types and doses. The radiation response, fading characteristics, and variation of the trapped charges of the RadFETs showed similar behaviour in tests.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessChemistryNuclear science & technologyRadiology, nuclear medicine & medical imagingOxide trapsIrradiationSensitivityChargeBiasElectric fieldsElectron beamsIrradiationLinear acceleratorsMOS devicesRadiationThreshold voltageElectric field screeningFading characteristicsHigh energy X rayOxide trapped chargeRadiation responseRadiation-inducedRadiation-sensingSwitching trap (STs)Field effect transistorsInvestigation of RadFET response to X-ray and electron beamsArticle0004075356000242-s2.0-8502063792015616012728622597Chemistry, inorganic & nuclearNuclear science & technologyRadiology, nuclear medicine & medical imagingDosimeters; MOSFET; RadiationOxideSiliconArticleControlled studyDensityDosimeterElectric fieldElectric potentialElectron acceleratorElectron beamPriority journalRadiation doseRadiation measurementRadiation responseRadiation sensing field effect transistorRadiosensitivityX irradiation