2022-03-212022-03-212004-08Cengiz, A. ve Almaz, E. (2004). “Internal bremsstrahlung spectra of beta(-) particle emitters using the Monte Carlo method”. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 70(6), 661-668.0969-806Xhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2004.03.008http://hdl.handle.net/11452/25223A Monte Carlo code has been developed which obtains internal bremsstrahlung (IB) spectra accompanying beta(-) particles of beta(-) particle emitters. For the IB spectra of beta(-) particle emitters, a simple formula has been also proposed by using the theory of Knipp, Uhlenbeck and Bloch (KUB). The IB spectra of P-32(15), Rb-86(37), Sr-89(38), Sr-90(38), Y-90(39), Tc-99(43) Tm-170(69) and W-185(74) obtained by using this code and the KUB theory were compared with experiments.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessChemistryNuclear science and technologyPhysicsElementary particlesInternal bremsstrahlung spectrumBeta(-) particle spectrumMonte Carlo methodBeta-decaySR-89RegionRangeS-35Monte Carlo methodsPhosphorusRubidiumSpectrum analysisStrontiumInternal bremsstrahlung (IB) spectraParticle emittersInternal bremsstrahlung spectra of beta(-) particle emitters using the Monte Carlo methodArticle0002218988000012-s2.0-2442591781661668706Chemistry, physicalNuclear science and technologyPhysics, atomic, molecular and chemicalPhosphorus 32RadioisotopeRubidium 86Strontium 89Technetium 99mThuliumYttrium 90ArticleBrems radiationElectronMathematical computingMonte Carlo methodRadiation physicsTheoretical model