Ulutin, Orhan N.2022-05-092022-05-091992Taş, S. vd. (1992). ''Stresin fibrinolitik aktiviteye etkisi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 201-210.http://hdl.handle.net/11452/26312Çalışmamızda sıçanlara 5 dakika, 5 saat ve 16 saat süreli immobilizasyon stresi uygulandı. 5 dakikalık stresler akut olarak, 5 ve 16 saat süreli stresler ise hem akut hem de kronik olmak üzere iki şekilde uygulandı. Stres uygulaması bitiminde 5 dakikalık strese tabi tutulan sıçanlardan hemen, 5 ve 16 saat akut ve kronik stres uygulanan sıçanlar ise iki gruba ayrılarak, bir gruptan stres bitiminden hemen sonra, diğer gruptan ise stres bitiminden dört saat sonra başlayan giyotinle kesilerek kan alındı. Alman kan örneklerinde fibrinolitik aktiviteyi saptamak için E.E.Z. Fibrin plak ve Fibrinojen miktar tayin edildi. Sonuç olarak, 5 dakikalık stres sonucunda fibrinolizisin aktive olduğu 5 ve 16 saat akut ve kronik stres uygulamasından 4 saat sonra fibrinolizisin inhibisyona uğradığı gözlendi.In this study rats were exposed to immobilization stress for 5 minutes, 5 hours and 16 hours. Five minute stresses were applied acutely while five lıour and sixteen hour stresses were applied both chronically and acutely. Immediately after the tennination of stress blood samples were taken by decapitation from the rats eıposed to five-minute stresses. The rats subjected to five hour and sixteen hour chronic and acute stresses were divided into two groups and blood samples were taken by decapitation from the first group immediately after the termination of stresses and from the second group four hours after the termination of stresses. The amounts of E.E.Z., fibrin plate and fibrinojen were determined to find out the fibrinolytic activity. As a result, fibrinolytic activity was found to be activated after five minute stress and it was found that fibrinolysis was inhibited four hours after the application of five hour and sixteen hour acut and chronic stresses.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessStresFibrinolitik aktiviteAkutFibrinolytic activityChronicAcuteKronikStresin fibrinolitik aktiviteye etkisiThe effects of stress on fibrinolytic activityArticle201210192