Van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.Özsoy, EminÇağatay, M. NamıkBalkıs, NeslihanÖzturk, Bayram2023-04-112023-04-112016Kutupoğlu, V. vd. (2016). "Modelling of wind waves in the sea of the Marmara". ed. E. Özsoy vd. Turkish Marine Research Foundation Publication, Sea of Marmara: Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance, 42, 105-117.978-975-8825-34-9 & conservationEnvironmental sciences & ecologyFisheriesMarine & freshwater biologyCoastal regionsModelling of wind waves in the sea of the MarmaraArticle00056906190000810511742Biodiversity conservationEnvironmental sciencesFisheriesMarine & freshwater biology