Mezhep mensubiyetinin hadis rivayetine etkisi (fıkhî hadisler bağlamında)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hz. Peygamber’in vefatından sonra İslam toplumundaki sosyal değişme ve ilmî gelişme belirli fıkhî düşünceleri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu fıkhî düşüncelerin sistemleşmesiyle III./VIII. asrın başlarından itibaren mezheplerin teşekkülü söz konusu olmuştur. Teşekkül eden mezheplerin istikrar, çelişmezlik ve uygulama kolaylığı gibi ihtiyaçlara cevap vermesi toplum ve bireylerin bu fıkhî sistemlere mensubiyetini de beraberinde getirmiştir. İnsanlar arasında yayılan mensubiyet düşüncesi özellikle IV. asır ve sonrasında yer yer taassup derecesine ulaşmıştır. Hiç şüphesiz toplumun bir parçası olan raviler de bu gelişmenin içinde yer almışlardır. Kişisel özellikleri ve bulundukları ortam ravilerin hadisleri algılama ve nakletme sürecine tesir edebilmiştir. Bunun sonucunda hadislerde mana ile rivayet, idrac, ihtisar, takti‘, ziyade, tashif ve tahrif, kalb ve mevkufu merfu olarak nakletme gibi tasarruflar görülebilmiştir. Ravilerin mezhep bağlılıklarının derecesi de bu tasarruflara neden olabilmiştir. Mezheplerin teşekkül ettiği dönemden sonra kaleme alınmış hadis eserlerinde mezhep görüşlerini net bir şekilde ifade eden rivayetler vardır. Bu rivayetleri önceki dönemlerde yazılan eserlerdekilerle mukayese ettiğimizde mezhepleşme sürecinin rivayetlerin nakline ve içeriğine tesir edebildiğini görmekteyiz. Bu tesir ravilerin ilmi ehliyetleri ve mezhep mensubiyetinin niteliği ile doğru orantılıdır. Nitekim “beyyine-yemin”, “meclis muhayyerliği” ve “mehrin en az miktarı on dirhemdir” rivayetleri tetkik edildiğinde aynı sonuca ulaşılmaktadır.
After Prophet’s death, social variation and scientific development in the Islamic society took form some juristic thoughts. After systematizing of juristic thoughts, denominations came into being since the beginning of the III./VIII. Century. That these denomanations serve the needs of stabilization, uncontradiction and application in practical life brought along with people’s adherence to juristic system. Adherence to denomination became diffused between people, especially in the IV./IX. century and then, sometimes, reached to the level of fanaticism. Surely, narrators were partially influenced with this condition, too. Personel habits and charecteristics and the condition in which narrators lived, influenced their perception and the way they narrated Hadiths. Consequently, transmission of Hadith based on their meaning, idraaj, ziyada, taqti‘, thas-heef and thah-reef, qalb, narration mawkuf hadith linked to Prophet were seen. The degree of adherence to a denomanation gave rise to varietes that were mentioned. There were some narrations expressing clearly denomanation’s view in Hadiths Collections which were written after the formation of the schools of Islamic Jurispuridence. When we compare these narrations with that of the Works written before the formation period, we see that this process influenced the way the narrations were transmitted and the content of the texts. This influnce is directly proportional narrator’s hadith narration proficiency and quality of adherence to denomination. In fact, the results of the investigation of the narrations “evidence - oath” and “hiyar el-maclis” and “amount of mahr is ten drachmas minimum” are same.
After Prophet’s death, social variation and scientific development in the Islamic society took form some juristic thoughts. After systematizing of juristic thoughts, denominations came into being since the beginning of the III./VIII. Century. That these denomanations serve the needs of stabilization, uncontradiction and application in practical life brought along with people’s adherence to juristic system. Adherence to denomination became diffused between people, especially in the IV./IX. century and then, sometimes, reached to the level of fanaticism. Surely, narrators were partially influenced with this condition, too. Personel habits and charecteristics and the condition in which narrators lived, influenced their perception and the way they narrated Hadiths. Consequently, transmission of Hadith based on their meaning, idraaj, ziyada, taqti‘, thas-heef and thah-reef, qalb, narration mawkuf hadith linked to Prophet were seen. The degree of adherence to a denomanation gave rise to varietes that were mentioned. There were some narrations expressing clearly denomanation’s view in Hadiths Collections which were written after the formation of the schools of Islamic Jurispuridence. When we compare these narrations with that of the Works written before the formation period, we see that this process influenced the way the narrations were transmitted and the content of the texts. This influnce is directly proportional narrator’s hadith narration proficiency and quality of adherence to denomination. In fact, the results of the investigation of the narrations “evidence - oath” and “hiyar el-maclis” and “amount of mahr is ten drachmas minimum” are same.
Hadis, Rivâyet, Râvî, Metin değişikliği, Fıkhî düşünce, Mezhep, Mezhepleşme, Mensubiye, Hadith, Narrative, Narrator, Text variation, Juristic thought, Demonation, Denominationalism, Adherence
Soylu, A. (2008). Mezhep mensubiyetinin hadis rivayetine etkisi (fıkhî hadisler bağlamında).Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.