Demir eksikliği anemisinde RDW'nin (eritrosit dağılım genişliği) yeri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma; Demir eksikliği anemisi tanısında RDW nin yerini araştırmak ve diğer tanısal parametrelerle korelasyon ilişkisini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Ocak- Nisan 2002 tarhleri arasında Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Polikliniğimize başvuran; 1-12 yaş grubundan, 44 demir eksikliği anemili çocuktan oluşan çalışma grubu, 35 normal çocuktan oluşan kontrol grubu oluşturuldu (grup 1 ve grup 2). Her iki grupta; tam kan sayımı( hemoglobin, hematokrit, MCV, RDW), serum demir ve ferritin düzeyi, total serum demir bağlama kapasitesi çalışıldı ve transferrin saturasyonu hesaplandı. RDW ortalamaları çalışma grubunda %17.3±1.9, kontrol grubunda %14,7±0.8 bulundu. Her iki grubun karşılaştırmasında Hb, Hct, MCV, RDW, serum demir ve ferritin düzeyi, total demir bağlama kapasitesi ve transferrin saturasyonu değerleri arasındaki farklar istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.0001). Pearson korelasyon katsayısı ile yapılan istatiksel incelemede; Çalışma grubunda RDW hb ve MCV ile negatif korele (p<0.001), hct ile negatif korele (p<0.01) ve ferritin ile negatif korele (p<0.05) bulundu. Yine bu grupta serum ferritin düzeyi; RDW ve serum total demir bağlama kapasitesi ile negatif korele (p<0.05), MCV , serum demiri (p[0.05), ve transferrin saturasyonu (p<0.01) ile pozitif korele bulundu. Kontrol grubu ortalama RDW+2SD değeri %16.4 olarak bulundu. Çalışma grubundaki 44 olgunun 28 nde (%63.6) RDW değeri % 16.4'ten büyük bulundu. Sonuç olarak; Ülkemizde yaygın olan demir eksikliği anemisi çocuk sağlığı açısından önemini korumaktadır. Hastalığın kesin tanısı; tam kan sayımı, serum demir ve ferritin düzeyleri, transferrin saturasyon yüzdesi ve demir bağlama kapasitesinin belirlenmesiyle konulur. Olanakların yetersiz olduğu durumlarda çocukta eğer RDW değeri %16.4' ten büyükse ve anemi varsa (hb<11gr/dl) demir tedavisi başlanılarak çocuğun izlenmesi düşünülebilinir.
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of RDW (Red cell distribution width) in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and to identify its correlation with other parameters. A total of 79 children, 44 of whom formed the study group having IDA, and 35 whom formed the control group, were included in this study (gruop 1 and group 2, respectively). Complete blood count (hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, RDW, leukosyte, platelet), serum iron and ferritin concentrations, as well as total iron binding capacity were measured and transferrin saturations were calculated both in group 1 and group 2. Mean RDW was 17.3±1.9 % in study group and 14.7±0.8 % in control group. The differences in hb, hct, MCV, RDW, serum iron concentration, serum ron binding capacity, serum ferritin level and transferrinsaturation between group 1 and group 2 were statistically significant (p<0. 0001 ),In statistical analysis performed with Pearson correlation coefficient, ROWvalues in study group were negatively correlated wit'l hb and MCV (p<0.001),hct (p<0.01), and ferritin (p<0.05) levels. Similarly serum ferritin levels in thisgroup were negatively correlated with ROW and total iron binding capacity (p<0.05), and were positively correlated with MCV , serum iron levels (p<0.05)and transferrin saturation (p<0.01). Serum iron levels were also positively correlated with ferritin levels (p<0.05} and transferrin saturations (p<0.001). The mean ROW+2SD value for control group was 16.4 %. ROW values in 28 of 44 study patient were grater than 16.4 %. In conclusion, IDA which is common in our country is still a public health problem and influences the health of children. It is possible to make a diagnosis of IDA with only complete blood count test when reveals a hb level of less than 11 gr/di, and a ROW value of greater than 16.4 % and start iron treatment in the presence of limited economical conditions.
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of RDW (Red cell distribution width) in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and to identify its correlation with other parameters. A total of 79 children, 44 of whom formed the study group having IDA, and 35 whom formed the control group, were included in this study (gruop 1 and group 2, respectively). Complete blood count (hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, RDW, leukosyte, platelet), serum iron and ferritin concentrations, as well as total iron binding capacity were measured and transferrin saturations were calculated both in group 1 and group 2. Mean RDW was 17.3±1.9 % in study group and 14.7±0.8 % in control group. The differences in hb, hct, MCV, RDW, serum iron concentration, serum ron binding capacity, serum ferritin level and transferrinsaturation between group 1 and group 2 were statistically significant (p<0. 0001 ),In statistical analysis performed with Pearson correlation coefficient, ROWvalues in study group were negatively correlated wit'l hb and MCV (p<0.001),hct (p<0.01), and ferritin (p<0.05) levels. Similarly serum ferritin levels in thisgroup were negatively correlated with ROW and total iron binding capacity (p<0.05), and were positively correlated with MCV , serum iron levels (p<0.05)and transferrin saturation (p<0.01). Serum iron levels were also positively correlated with ferritin levels (p<0.05} and transferrin saturations (p<0.001). The mean ROW+2SD value for control group was 16.4 %. ROW values in 28 of 44 study patient were grater than 16.4 %. In conclusion, IDA which is common in our country is still a public health problem and influences the health of children. It is possible to make a diagnosis of IDA with only complete blood count test when reveals a hb level of less than 11 gr/di, and a ROW value of greater than 16.4 % and start iron treatment in the presence of limited economical conditions.
Demir eksikliği anemisi, RDW, Korelasyon, Çocuk, Correlation, IDA, Children
Korkmaz, O. (2002). Demir eksikliği anemisinde RDW'nin (Eritrosit dağılım genişliği) yeri. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.