İntrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu öncesi sperm immobilizasyon solusyonları ile inkübasyonun sperm morfolojisi ve apoptotik aktivasyon üzerine etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İntrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu (ICSI) için morfoloji ve motilite esaslı sperm seçimi yapılmaktadır. Fertilizasyon kapasitesi düşük, anormal morfolojili spermler normal fertilizasyon sürecinde elimine edilebilirken, ICSI işleminde bu aşamanın by-pass edilmesi nedeniyle DNA bütünlüğü bilinmeyen spermin enjekte edilme riski bulunmaktadır. Pratikte ICSI uygulamalarında, manipülasyon kolaylığı sağlaması amacyla sperm hareketini yavaşlatmada sentetik polimer yapıda PVP (polivinilprolidon) ya da genital traktın fizyolojik bileşeni olan hyaluronat ile sperm örneği muamele edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada 24 ejakulatta (normozoospermi grubu; n=11, teratozoospermi grubu; n=13) TUNEL metodu ile PVP ve hyaluronat?ın sperm DNA fragmantasyonuna etkisi morfolojik özellikleri ile korelasyonu kurularak kantitatif olarak ve transmisyon elektron mikroskobik (TEM) inceleleme ile kalitatif olarak değerlendirildi. Normozoospermik ve teratozoospermik ejakulatlarda, PVP ve hyaluronat ile inkübasyon sonrası, sperm DNA fragmantasyon oranında kontrol grubu lehine istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir artış bulunurken, PVP ve hyaluronat grupları arasındaki karşılaştırmada istatistiksel anlamlılık görülmedi. Farklı morfoloji anomalilerine sahip spermlerde DNA fragmantasyon oranları karşılaştırıldığında; normozoospermi grubunda kontrol-deney grupları arasında ve deney gruplarının birbirleriyle karşılaştırılması sonucunda anlamlılık bulunmadı. Teratozoospermi grubunda baş anomalili spermlerde oluşan DNA hasarı; PVP ve hyaluronat gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı bulunurken, boyun anomalili spermlerde yalnız PVP grubu ile kontrol grubu arasında anlamlılık görüldü. TEM bulguları, TUNEL verilerini destekler nitelikte bulundu. Sonuç olarak, immobilizasyon medyumu olarak PVP ve hyaluronat?ın, sperm DNA?sı üzerine hasarlandırıcı etkileri eşdeğerdir. Anormal baş morfolojisi ile birlikte immobilizasyon medyumlarının DNA üzerine hasarlandırıcı etkisi artmaktadır. Anormal morfolojilerde, DNA fragmantasyon artışı nedeniyle, özellikle maturasyon sürecini tamamlamamış testiküler spermle yapılan ICSI uygulamalarında immobilizasyon medyumlarında bekletme süresi kısa tutulmalıdır.
The sperm selection is made based on morphology and motility for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Spermatozoa with abnormal morphology and low fertilization capacity can be eliminated by normal fertilization process. But in ICSI, this step is being by-passed, therefore there is a risk of being injected unknown sperm DNA integrity. In practical ICSI applications, the sperm samples are treated with a synthetic polymer structured PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) which is toxicity unknown or with hyaluronate the natural component in the genital tract in order to slow down the sperm movement and to ease the manipulation. In this study, the effects of PVP and hyaluronate on sperm DNA fragmentation rate was evaluated supported by sperm morphology correlation using the TUNEL method both quantitively and qualitative by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on 24 ejaculates (normozoospermic group; n=11, teratozoospermic group; n=13). A statistically significance rise in the DNA fragmentation rate after PVP and hyaluronate incubation in favor of the control group in normozoospermic and teratozoospermic ejaculates was observed, whereas a statistically significant result was not observed in the comparison between PVP and hyaluronate groups. In normozoospermic group, when compared the rates of the sperm DNA fragmentation with different sperm morphology anomalies between the control-experimental groups and the comparison between the experimental groups, there was no significant result. The DNA damage with a head anomaly spermatozaoa in the teratozoospermic group; there was a statistically significance when compared to the PVP and hyaluronate groups with the control groups and sperms with a neck anomaly only between the PVP and the control group. TEM findings were supported of the TUNEL data. Consequently; the detrimental effects of the immobilization mediums such as PVP and hyaluronate on sperm DNA are equal. The damage to the DNA on sperms with head anomalies increase together with the immobilization mediums. For abnormal morphologies, the treatment period of the sperms with immobilization mediums especially when using testicular sperms have not completed the process of maturation in ICSI applications should be shorter due to DNA fragmentation increase.
The sperm selection is made based on morphology and motility for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Spermatozoa with abnormal morphology and low fertilization capacity can be eliminated by normal fertilization process. But in ICSI, this step is being by-passed, therefore there is a risk of being injected unknown sperm DNA integrity. In practical ICSI applications, the sperm samples are treated with a synthetic polymer structured PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) which is toxicity unknown or with hyaluronate the natural component in the genital tract in order to slow down the sperm movement and to ease the manipulation. In this study, the effects of PVP and hyaluronate on sperm DNA fragmentation rate was evaluated supported by sperm morphology correlation using the TUNEL method both quantitively and qualitative by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on 24 ejaculates (normozoospermic group; n=11, teratozoospermic group; n=13). A statistically significance rise in the DNA fragmentation rate after PVP and hyaluronate incubation in favor of the control group in normozoospermic and teratozoospermic ejaculates was observed, whereas a statistically significant result was not observed in the comparison between PVP and hyaluronate groups. In normozoospermic group, when compared the rates of the sperm DNA fragmentation with different sperm morphology anomalies between the control-experimental groups and the comparison between the experimental groups, there was no significant result. The DNA damage with a head anomaly spermatozaoa in the teratozoospermic group; there was a statistically significance when compared to the PVP and hyaluronate groups with the control groups and sperms with a neck anomaly only between the PVP and the control group. TEM findings were supported of the TUNEL data. Consequently; the detrimental effects of the immobilization mediums such as PVP and hyaluronate on sperm DNA are equal. The damage to the DNA on sperms with head anomalies increase together with the immobilization mediums. For abnormal morphologies, the treatment period of the sperms with immobilization mediums especially when using testicular sperms have not completed the process of maturation in ICSI applications should be shorter due to DNA fragmentation increase.
Sperm, Apoptozis, PVP, Hyaluronat, Apoptosis, Hyaluronate
Yermezler, A. (2013). İntrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu öncesi sperm immobilizasyon solusyonları ile inkübasyonun sperm morfolojisi ve apoptotik aktivasyon üzerine etkileri. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.