Türkiye'de gıda perakendeciliğinde ortaya çıkan gelişmeler ve sorunlar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Gıda perakendeciliği sektörü, çalışma alanının gıda olması açısından çok önemli bir sektördür. Türkiye'de gıda perakendeciliği hızla gelişen bir sektördür. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak gıda perakendeci tipleri, Türkiye'deki örnekleriyle ortaya konulacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de gıda perakendeciliğinde ortaya çıkan gelişmeleri ve karşılaşılan sorunları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Gıda perakendeciliğinin yapışım ve gelişimini etkileyen toplumsal, ekonomik ve politik faktörler belirlenmiştir. Sayısal verilere dayanarak gıda perakendeciliğinde mevcut durum ortaya konulmuştur. Buna göre 2003 yılında Türkiye'de gıda perakendecilerinin %86'sı bakkal, %10'u market ve geriye kalan %4'ü ise modern perakendeci olarak nitelendirilen hipermarket ve süpermarkettir. Türkiye'de gıda perakendecilerinin büyük çoğunluğunu geleneksel perakendeciler yani; bakkallar oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca, çalışmada gıda perakendecileri, geleneksel perakende market ve modern perakende market olarak gruplandınlmıştır. Bu gruplandırma yöntemi ile gıda perakendecileri ekonomik yönden karşılaştınlmıştır. Böylelikle her iki tip perakendecinin de ekonomik güçlerine bağlı olarak rekabet olanakları belirlenmiştir. Ülkemizde gıda perakendecileri arasında yoğun bir rekabet yaşanmaktadır. Gıda perakendecilerinin karşılaştıkları en büyük sorun ekonomik açıdan maliyetlerini arttıran unsurlardır. Hem modern perakende marketler, hem de geleneksel perakende marketler için tüketiciye uygun fiyatta ve kalitede ürün sunmak çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada gıda perakendecilerinin karşılaştıkları sorunlar hem modern, hem de geleneksel perakende market açısından belirlenecektir.
Sector of food retailing is very important sector as it deals with foods. Retail food selling is a rapidly developing sector in Turkey. In this study, firstly the types of retailer will be discussed. The aim of this study is to explain the developments and problems encountered in retail food selling in Turkey. Social, economical and political factors influencing the structure and development of food retailing have been established. The present conditions of the food retailing have been established based on numerical data. According to these establishments 86% of food retailers in Turkey are the grocers, %10 are markets, and the remaining 4% are hyper - markets and super - markets called 'modern retailers'. Traditional retainers, namely the grocers constitute the vast majority of the food retailers in Turkey. The food retailers have been grouped in this study into the traditional retailers market group and the modern retailer markets group. Food retailers have been compared by their economical characteristics by the way of this grouping. Accordingly, competitive abilities of each of these two groups have been established based on their economical powers. An intensive competition is being lived among food retailers in our country. The most significant problem encountered by the food retailers are the factors increasing the costs economically. It is important for both the modern food retailer markets and traditional food retailer markets to provide the consumers with products in good quality and at lower prices. The problems encountered by the food retailers will be established in this study from the perspectives of both the modern food trailers and the traditional food trailers.
Sector of food retailing is very important sector as it deals with foods. Retail food selling is a rapidly developing sector in Turkey. In this study, firstly the types of retailer will be discussed. The aim of this study is to explain the developments and problems encountered in retail food selling in Turkey. Social, economical and political factors influencing the structure and development of food retailing have been established. The present conditions of the food retailing have been established based on numerical data. According to these establishments 86% of food retailers in Turkey are the grocers, %10 are markets, and the remaining 4% are hyper - markets and super - markets called 'modern retailers'. Traditional retainers, namely the grocers constitute the vast majority of the food retailers in Turkey. The food retailers have been grouped in this study into the traditional retailers market group and the modern retailer markets group. Food retailers have been compared by their economical characteristics by the way of this grouping. Accordingly, competitive abilities of each of these two groups have been established based on their economical powers. An intensive competition is being lived among food retailers in our country. The most significant problem encountered by the food retailers are the factors increasing the costs economically. It is important for both the modern food retailer markets and traditional food retailer markets to provide the consumers with products in good quality and at lower prices. The problems encountered by the food retailers will be established in this study from the perspectives of both the modern food trailers and the traditional food trailers.
Gıda perakendeciliği, Hipermarket, Supermarket, Bakkal, Food retailing, Hypermarket, Supermarket, Grocer
Ankın, F. (2004). Türkiye'de gıda perakendeciliğinde ortaya çıkan gelişmeler ve sorunlar. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.