Gençlik dönemi inanç gelişimi ve eğitiminde etkili olan faktörler üzerine nitel bir araştırma
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Formel ve/veya informel eğitimle beslenen inanç gelişimi çocukluk yıllarından başlayarak hayat boyu devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise gençlik dönemi inanç gelişiminde etkili olumlu ve olumsuz faktörlerin neler olduğunu tespit etmek, gençleri inanç veya inançsızlığa sürükleyen süreç ve problemleri ortaya koymak, bu problemlerin çözümü için uygun yöntem ve yaklaşım önerileri sunmaktır. Araştırmanın odağını, gençlerin kendi yaşantılarından hareketle çocukluk, ön ergenlik ve ergenlik yıllarında aile, okul ve içinde yaşadıkları toplum ekseninde, din eğitimi bağlamında dinle ilişkileri oluşturmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, inanç gelişimi belli oranda şekillendiği düşünülen, dinî yöneliş ve dinî tutum bakımından birbirinden farklılaştığı varsayılan 31 kişilik bir örneklem grubu ile derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Görüşmeye katılanlar, 15’i Felsefe, 16’sı da İlahiyat bölümlerinde öğrenim görmekte olan üniversite öğrencileridir. Katılımcılar, amaçlı, aykırı durum ve kartopu örneklemesi teknikleriyle belirlenmiştir. Elde edilecek verilerde maksimum çeşitlilik sağlanabilmesi için inanç ve din eğitimi durumları birbirinden farklılaşan katılımcıların örneklem grubu içinde yer almasına özen gösterilmiştir. Anlatı araştırması ve durum çalışması deseninde gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, derinlemesine görüşme ve gözlem yoluyla toplanan veriler, betimsel analize ve içerik analizine tabi tutulmuş ve yorumlanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde MAXQDA 12 nitel veri analiz programından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, gençlik dönemi inanç gelişimi ve eğitiminde en etkili faktörün, çocukluk dönemi yaşantılarını da içerecek tarzda, aile olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca gençlerin, ergenlik ve son ergenlik dönemlerinde bağımsız kişilik geliştirme ve kendilik bilinci kazanma evrelerinde olmaları ve kendi karar mekanizmalarını yönetir konuma gelmelerine bağlı olarak, inanç gelişimlerinde kendilerini bir özne olarak görme eğiliminde oldukları fark edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla gençlik döneminin bu gelişim özelliklerini göz ardı eden bir din eğitimi yaklaşım ve uygulamasının sağlıklı bir inanç gelişimi açısından başarılı sonuçlar vermeyeceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Faith development, nourished by formal and/or informal education, continues throughout life starting off with childhood. The purpose of this study is to determine the positive and negative factors that affect the faith development of youth in their adolescence, to reveal the processes and problems that lead young people to belief or disbelief, and to offer appropriate methods and approaches for the solution of these problems. The focus of this research lies on young people’s relationship with religion in the context of religious education, which is constituted by their life experiences in the family, at school, and within the society they live in throughout their childhood, pre-adolescence and adolescence. In this framework, indepth interviews were conducted with a sample of 31 individuals, who were considered to be different from one and other in terms of religious orientation and religious attitudes, and whose faith development was thought to be shaped to a certain extent. A total number of 31 undergraduate students were invited to participate in the research, of whom 15 were from philosophy and 16 in theology. Participants were chosen through purposeful sampling, extreme case sampling, and snowballing sampling techniques. In order to achieve maximum diversity in the data, the participants with different backgrounds in terms of belief and religious education were included in the research. In this research, which was carried out in the narrative research and case study pattern, the data obtained through in-depth interviews, and observations was subjected to both descriptive and content analyses. The MAXQDA 12 qualitative data analysis program was used for data analysis. As a result of this research, it was found that the most influential factor in faith development and religious education of youth during the adolescence period is the family, including all childhood experiences. Additionally, it has been noticed that young people tend to consider themselves as subjects of their faith development in adolescence and late adolescence, which is related to the stage of developing an independent personality and self-consciousness, and to the ability of managing own decision-making mechanism. Consequently, it has been concluded that a religious educational approach or practice ignored these developmental characteristics of adolescence will not yield successful results regarding sound faith development.
Faith development, nourished by formal and/or informal education, continues throughout life starting off with childhood. The purpose of this study is to determine the positive and negative factors that affect the faith development of youth in their adolescence, to reveal the processes and problems that lead young people to belief or disbelief, and to offer appropriate methods and approaches for the solution of these problems. The focus of this research lies on young people’s relationship with religion in the context of religious education, which is constituted by their life experiences in the family, at school, and within the society they live in throughout their childhood, pre-adolescence and adolescence. In this framework, indepth interviews were conducted with a sample of 31 individuals, who were considered to be different from one and other in terms of religious orientation and religious attitudes, and whose faith development was thought to be shaped to a certain extent. A total number of 31 undergraduate students were invited to participate in the research, of whom 15 were from philosophy and 16 in theology. Participants were chosen through purposeful sampling, extreme case sampling, and snowballing sampling techniques. In order to achieve maximum diversity in the data, the participants with different backgrounds in terms of belief and religious education were included in the research. In this research, which was carried out in the narrative research and case study pattern, the data obtained through in-depth interviews, and observations was subjected to both descriptive and content analyses. The MAXQDA 12 qualitative data analysis program was used for data analysis. As a result of this research, it was found that the most influential factor in faith development and religious education of youth during the adolescence period is the family, including all childhood experiences. Additionally, it has been noticed that young people tend to consider themselves as subjects of their faith development in adolescence and late adolescence, which is related to the stage of developing an independent personality and self-consciousness, and to the ability of managing own decision-making mechanism. Consequently, it has been concluded that a religious educational approach or practice ignored these developmental characteristics of adolescence will not yield successful results regarding sound faith development.
Gençlik, Youth, Geç ergenlik, Aile, Üniversite gençliği, İnanç eğitimi, İnanç gelişimi, Din eğitimi, Dinî şüphe, Late adolescence, Religious education, Religious doubt, University youth, Faith education, Faith development, Family education
Kalfa, N. T. (2019). Gençlik dönemi inanç gelişimi ve eğitiminde etkili olan faktörler üzerine nitel bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.