Farklı hasat zamanı ve uygulamaların domates tohumlarının kalite ve kantitesine etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, domates bitkileri Şubat-Ekim 1993 tarihlerinde Beta Zir. ve Tic. A.Ş. Manyas Tohum İşleme Tesisleri 'nde yetiştirilmiş, çimlendirme denemeleri de Ağustos-Eylül 1994 aylarında, U.ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Labor atuvar ı 'nda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada adaptasyon denemeleri için yetiştirilen ES-58, H-2274 ve Rio Grande domates bitkileri ve bu bitkilerden elde edilen tohumlar kullanılmıştır. Bitkiler hasat devresine geldiğinde İlk hasat yapılarak meyveler bekletilmeden (kontrol) ve 4 gün, 7 gün, 10 gün bekletilerek tohumları alınmıştır. II. hasat, meyvelerin normal hasat devresine gelmesinden 4 gün sonra, III. hasat 7 gün sonra ve IV. hasat 10 gün sonra yapılmıştır.Bu meyvelere de I. hasat meyveleriyle aynı bekletme süreleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen meyvelerin ve tohumların parsele verimleri belirlenmiş, çimlendirme ve tohum güç testleri yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, farklı hasat zamanının parsele meyve verimi ve parsele tohum verimine etkisi bakımından en iyi değerler sırasıyla 73.9 kg ve 43.2 g ile II. hasat tohumlarında görülmüştür. Farklı hasat zamanı ve bekletme sürelerinin etkisi sonucu, en yüksek parsele tohum verimi 67.1, g olarak, IV.. 'hasat kontrol tohumlarında belirlenmiştir. Tohumların kalitesi açısından en yüksek çimlenme oranı % 76.6 değeri ile H-2274 çeşidinde görülmüş, farklı hasat zamanı tohumların çimlenmesine önemli bir etkide bulunmamış ancak, tohum gücünü etkilemiştir. Farklı hasat zamanının tohum gücüne etkisiyle en yüksek çimlenme hızı katsayısı 20.3 olarak I. hasat tohumlarında bulunmuştur. Bekletme süreleri tohumların çimlenmesinde ve tohum gücünde önemli etkide bulunmuştur. Kontrol tohumları % 82.3 ile en iyi çimlenme oranını, ve 21.0 ile en yüksek çimlenme hızı katsayısı değerlerini vermiştir.
In this study, tomato plants were grown in the Seed Processing Areas of Beta Seed Company in Manyas between February and October 1993. The germination tests were conducted in Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludağ University between August and September 1994. Plants of tomato cvs.ES-58, H-2274 and Rio Grande (which were grown for adaptation trials and the seeds obtained from these plants) were used in the study. The first harvest was achieved when the plants reached to the harvest stage and the seeds were extracted from the fruits immediately (control) or after 4 days, 7 days or 10 days. The 2n<*, 3rd ancji 4th harvests were carried out 4, 7 and 10 days after the plants reached to the normal harvest period. These fruits were also subjected to the same keeping periods as those of the 1st harvest. The fruits and seeds obtained were weighed, germination and vigour tests were conducted. At the end of the research, the best results with respect to the effects of different harvest times on fruit and seed yields per plot were observed in the fruits and seeds obtained from the 2nd harvest with 73.9 kg and 43.2 g, respectively. As a result of different harvest times and keeping periods, the highest seed yield per plot was determined in the control seeds of the 4th harvest with 67. lg. Considering the seed quality, the highest germination rate was obtained from cv. H-2274 with 76.6 %. Different harvest times did not have, significant ef f ect * on, the germination of seeds. But this factor affected the vigour of seeds and 1«* harvest seeds gave the highest coefficient of velocity of germination with 20.3. Keeping periods significantly affected the germination and vigour of seeds. Control seeds gave the best germination rate with 82.3 % and the highest coefficient of velocity of germination with 21.0.
In this study, tomato plants were grown in the Seed Processing Areas of Beta Seed Company in Manyas between February and October 1993. The germination tests were conducted in Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludağ University between August and September 1994. Plants of tomato cvs.ES-58, H-2274 and Rio Grande (which were grown for adaptation trials and the seeds obtained from these plants) were used in the study. The first harvest was achieved when the plants reached to the harvest stage and the seeds were extracted from the fruits immediately (control) or after 4 days, 7 days or 10 days. The 2n<*, 3rd ancji 4th harvests were carried out 4, 7 and 10 days after the plants reached to the normal harvest period. These fruits were also subjected to the same keeping periods as those of the 1st harvest. The fruits and seeds obtained were weighed, germination and vigour tests were conducted. At the end of the research, the best results with respect to the effects of different harvest times on fruit and seed yields per plot were observed in the fruits and seeds obtained from the 2nd harvest with 73.9 kg and 43.2 g, respectively. As a result of different harvest times and keeping periods, the highest seed yield per plot was determined in the control seeds of the 4th harvest with 67. lg. Considering the seed quality, the highest germination rate was obtained from cv. H-2274 with 76.6 %. Different harvest times did not have, significant ef f ect * on, the germination of seeds. But this factor affected the vigour of seeds and 1«* harvest seeds gave the highest coefficient of velocity of germination with 20.3. Keeping periods significantly affected the germination and vigour of seeds. Control seeds gave the best germination rate with 82.3 % and the highest coefficient of velocity of germination with 21.0.
Bahçe bitkileri, Hasat zamanı, Tohumlar, Horticultural crops, Harvesting date, Seeds
Sağlam, Y. (1996). Farklı hasat zamanı ve uygulamaların domates tohumlarının kalite ve kantitesine etkileri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.