Ebü’l-Berekât en-Nesefî’nin nübüvvet anlayışı
Demircan, Onur
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Allah-insan-evren ilişkisinin merkezinde yer alan nübüvvet müessesesinin var olması pek çok şeyin de varlığının hayat bulması ve kâim olması anlamını; yok olması da pek çok şeyin yok olması ve yıkılması anlamını taşımasından ötürü binlerce yıldır süregelen bir mücadeleye tanıklık edilmiştir. Bu mücadele sürecinde İslâm’ın sancaktarlığını yapan kelâm âlimleri de eserlerinde kalemleriyle bu mücadelelerini sürdürmüşlerdir. Mâtürîdî âlim/ler nazarıyla bu mücadeleye yakından tanıklık etmeyi gaye edindiğimiz bu çalışmada nübüvvetin ispatı, mûcize, Hz. Muhammed (sav)’in peygamberliğini ispat gibi nübüvvet ile ilgili tartışılan tüm meseleler sistematik bir şekilde ele alınmış, hikmet merkezli bir bakış açısına sahip olmalarıyla çağlara hitap eden Mâturîdî âlimler içerisinde yer alan Ebü’l-Berekât en-Nesefî’nin görüşleri, Mâtürîdîlik mezhebinin önderi İmam Mâtürîdî ve onun takipçileri Ebü’l-Muîn en-Nesefî ve Nûreddin es-Sâbûnî’nin -temel meselelerdeki- görüşlerine de değinilerek, ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır.
The existence of the institution of prophethood, which is at the center of the Allah-human-universe relationship, means that many things come to life and endure; It has witnessed a struggle that has been going on for thousands of years, as its disappearance means the destruction and destruction of many things. Theological scholars, who were the bannermen of Islam during this struggle, continued this struggle with their pens in their works. In this study, in which we aim to witness this struggle closely from the point of view of Maturidi scholars, the proof of prophethood, the miracle, the Prophet Muhammad. All the issues discussed regarding prophethood, such as proving the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), are discussed in a systematic way, and the views of Abû Al-Barakât Al-Nasafi, who is among the Maturidi scholars who appeal to the ages with their wisdom-centered perspective, are discussed in detail in the text of the Maturidi sect. The views of its leader Imam Māturīdī and his followers Abû Al-Muin Al-Nasafi and Nuraddin as-Sabuni on basic issues were also touched upon and tried to be put forward.
The existence of the institution of prophethood, which is at the center of the Allah-human-universe relationship, means that many things come to life and endure; It has witnessed a struggle that has been going on for thousands of years, as its disappearance means the destruction and destruction of many things. Theological scholars, who were the bannermen of Islam during this struggle, continued this struggle with their pens in their works. In this study, in which we aim to witness this struggle closely from the point of view of Maturidi scholars, the proof of prophethood, the miracle, the Prophet Muhammad. All the issues discussed regarding prophethood, such as proving the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), are discussed in a systematic way, and the views of Abû Al-Barakât Al-Nasafi, who is among the Maturidi scholars who appeal to the ages with their wisdom-centered perspective, are discussed in detail in the text of the Maturidi sect. The views of its leader Imam Māturīdī and his followers Abû Al-Muin Al-Nasafi and Nuraddin as-Sabuni on basic issues were also touched upon and tried to be put forward.
Nübüvvet, Peygamber, Mûcize, Mâtürîdî, Nesefî, Sâbûnî, Prophethood, Prophet, Miracle, Maturidi, Nasafi