Çocuklarda kronik karaciğer hastalıklarının yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada; kronik karaciğer hastalığı olan çocukların yaşam kalitelerini belirlemek, sağlam çocuklar ile karşılaştırmak ve yaşam kalitelerine etki eden faktörleri değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır.Kronik karaciğer hastalığı olan 101 hasta ve ebeveyninin, kontrol grubu olarak 100 sağlam çocuk ve ebeveyninin sağlıkla ilişkili yaşam kaliteleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın başında ilaçsız izlemde olan 75 hastadan 31 tanesine izlemde ilaç tedavisi başlanmış, tedavinin 6. ayında tekrar yaşam kalitesi değerlendirilmiştir. ilaçsız takibe devam edilen 39 hastaya sağlıklı yaşam kuralları anlatılmış, 6 ay sonra tekrar yaşam kalitesi değerlendirilmiştir.Hastaların 48'i (%47.5) kız, 53'ü (%52.5) erkek, yaş ortalaması 12.9 ± 3.9 yıl (5-18 yıl) idi. Hastaların 51'inde (%50.5) viral-enfeksiyöz, 29'unda (% 28.7) metabolik, 9'unda (%8.9) fibrokistik, 7'sinde (%6.9) kriptojenik, 5'inde (%4.9) otoimmun karaciğer hastalığı mevcuttu. Hastaların 90'ı sirozsuz, 7'si Child A, 4'ü Child B tipi sirozlu hastalardı. Ortalama yaşam kalitesi ölçek toplam puanı hastalarda 38.6±18.9, ebeveynlerinde 35.4±14.2; sağlam çocuklarda 55.4±14.3, ebeveynlerinde 54.0±16.9, izlemde ilaç başlanan hastalarda tedavinin başında 33.6±8.9, tedavinin 6. ayında 35.8±13.4; ilaçsız takibe devam edilen hastalarda bilgilendirme öncesi 38.6±18.9, bilgilendirmeden 6 ay sonra 38.0±18.1, sirozsuz hastalarda 38.8± 10.2 , Child A sirozda 27.8±10.8, Child B sirozda 25.6±10.4 saptanmıştır.Sonuç olarak; kronik karaciğer hastalığı olan çocuk hastaların ve ebeveynlerinin; sağlam çocuk ve ebeveynlerine göre sağlıkla ilişkili yaşam kalitelerini düşük algıladıkları saptanmıştır. Kronik karaciğer hastalıklarının 10 yaş ve üzerinde özellikle psikososyal sağlığı daha fazla etkilediği , sirozlu hastalarda sirozun şiddeti ile orantılı olarak yaşam kalitesinin daha düşük algılandığı; ilaç tedavisinin tedavinin 6. ayından sonra yaşam kalitesini iyileştirdiği gözlenmiştir.
The aims of this study are evaluating the life quality of patients with chronic liver disease (CLD), determining factors influencing their life quality and comparing them with healthy children.We have evaluated health related life quality of 101 pediatric chronic liver patient and 100 healthy children both including their parents. 31 of 75 patients who were in outpatient care without any treatment at the beginning of the study started medical therapy, 39 patients have been followed up with oral health advice. Their life quality was evaluated after six months.The study group consisted of 48 female (47,5 %) and 53 male patients (52,5 %). Mean age was 12,9 ± 3,9 years. 51 of the patients (50,5 %) had viral infectious, 29 (28,7 %) had metabolic, 9 (8,9%) had fibrocystic, 7 (6,9%) had cryptogenic, 5 (4,9%) had autoimmune liver disease. 90 of the patients were non cirrhotic. 7 were Child A and 4 were Child B type cirrhotic patients. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients and their parents were 38,6±18,9 and 35,4±14,2 consecutively. Mean life quality total score of healthy children and their parents were 55,4±14,3 and 54,0±16,9 consecutively. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients who started medication within the study was 33,6±8,9 at the beginning. After 6 months of therapy mean life quality total score was 38,0±10,8. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients who were followed up with only health advice was 38,6±18,9 at the beginning. After six months it was 38,8±10,2 among non cirrhotic patients, 27,8±10,8 among Child grade A patients and 25,6±10,4 among Child Grade B patients.As a result of this study; in comparison to healthy children and their parents, children with CLD and their families perceive their health related life quality. CLD influence psychosocial health of patients especially over 10 years of age. The quality of life decreases with the existence and progression of cirrhosis. Drug therapy of six months rehabilitates the quality of life.
The aims of this study are evaluating the life quality of patients with chronic liver disease (CLD), determining factors influencing their life quality and comparing them with healthy children.We have evaluated health related life quality of 101 pediatric chronic liver patient and 100 healthy children both including their parents. 31 of 75 patients who were in outpatient care without any treatment at the beginning of the study started medical therapy, 39 patients have been followed up with oral health advice. Their life quality was evaluated after six months.The study group consisted of 48 female (47,5 %) and 53 male patients (52,5 %). Mean age was 12,9 ± 3,9 years. 51 of the patients (50,5 %) had viral infectious, 29 (28,7 %) had metabolic, 9 (8,9%) had fibrocystic, 7 (6,9%) had cryptogenic, 5 (4,9%) had autoimmune liver disease. 90 of the patients were non cirrhotic. 7 were Child A and 4 were Child B type cirrhotic patients. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients and their parents were 38,6±18,9 and 35,4±14,2 consecutively. Mean life quality total score of healthy children and their parents were 55,4±14,3 and 54,0±16,9 consecutively. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients who started medication within the study was 33,6±8,9 at the beginning. After 6 months of therapy mean life quality total score was 38,0±10,8. Mean life quality total score of CLD patients who were followed up with only health advice was 38,6±18,9 at the beginning. After six months it was 38,8±10,2 among non cirrhotic patients, 27,8±10,8 among Child grade A patients and 25,6±10,4 among Child Grade B patients.As a result of this study; in comparison to healthy children and their parents, children with CLD and their families perceive their health related life quality. CLD influence psychosocial health of patients especially over 10 years of age. The quality of life decreases with the existence and progression of cirrhosis. Drug therapy of six months rehabilitates the quality of life.
Çocuk, Kronik karaciğer hastalığı, Çocuklar için yaşam kalitesi ölçeği, Children, Chronic liver disease, Life quality measure for children
Demiral, M. (2010). Çocuklarda kronik karaciğer hastalıklarının yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.