Korozyon önleyici uzun zincir içerikli yeni organik bileşiklerin sentezi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada yağ asitleri veya bileşenlerinden, korozyon inhibitörü olarak 2-aminopiridin, izoksazolidin, izoksazolin, siyano ve tiyosiyanato undekanoik asit fenilamid, hidrazid ve açilhidrazin karboditiyoat türevleri, 11-((1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-il)metiltiyo)-N-arilundekanamid, 1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-iltiyo) ester türevleri ve bazı nitronlar gibi uzun alkil zincirli yeni organik bileşikler sentezlendi. Sentezlenen bileşiklerin kimyasal yapılarının karakterizasyonları spektroskopik yöntemlerle yapıldı ve fiziksel özellikleri belirlendi. Korozyon testleri asit ve/veya yağ ortamında yapıldı. Asidik ortam olarak, 2 M hidroklorik asit veya 1.5 M sülfürik asit çözeltileri kullanıldı. Yağ ortamı olarak bileşimi bilinen parafin esaslı mineral yağ kullanıldı. Asidik ortamdaki gravimetrik ölçümler soğuk haddelenmiş düşük karbon içerikli çelikten kesilerek hazırlanan metal kuponlarla yapıldı. Bu ortamda test edilen bileşiklerin korozyon inhibisyon yetenekleri yüzde inhibisyon etkinliği (% İE) olarak verildi. Mineral yağ ortamında test edilen bileşiklerin korozyon inhibisyon yetenekleri ise, ilgili standart metot doğrultusunda yorumlanarak verildi. Elde edilen test sonuçları, sentezlenen korozyon inhibitörlerinin kimyasal yapıları ve test ortamının türüne göre değerlendirildi ve yorumlandı. Ayrıca olası korozyon inhibisyon mekanizmaları tartışıldı.
In this study, new long alkyl chain organic compounds as 2-aminopyridine, isoxazolidine, isoxazoline, cyano and thiocyanato undecanoic acid phenylamide, hydrazide and acylhydrazine carbodithioate, 11-((1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)methylthio)-N-arylundecanamide, 1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-ylthio) ester derivatives and some nitrones were synthesized as corrosion inhibitors from fatty acids or their constituents. Chemical structure characterizations of the synthesized compounds were made with spectroscopic methods and physical properties were also determined. Corrosion tests were performed in acid and/or oil mediums. 2 M hydrochloric acid or 1.5 M sulfuric acid were used as acidic mediums. Paraffin based mineral oil with known composition was used as an oil medium. Gravimetric measurements in acidic medium were done using coupons made from cold rolled low carbon steel. Corrosion inhibition capabilities of compounds tested in this medium are given as percent inhibition efficiencies (IE %). Inhibition efficiencies of the compounds tested in mineral oil medium were given according to related standard method. The observed test results were interpreted and argued in accordance with test mediums and chemical structures of the synthesized compounds. Probable corrosion inhibition mechanisms were also argued.
In this study, new long alkyl chain organic compounds as 2-aminopyridine, isoxazolidine, isoxazoline, cyano and thiocyanato undecanoic acid phenylamide, hydrazide and acylhydrazine carbodithioate, 11-((1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)methylthio)-N-arylundecanamide, 1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-ylthio) ester derivatives and some nitrones were synthesized as corrosion inhibitors from fatty acids or their constituents. Chemical structure characterizations of the synthesized compounds were made with spectroscopic methods and physical properties were also determined. Corrosion tests were performed in acid and/or oil mediums. 2 M hydrochloric acid or 1.5 M sulfuric acid were used as acidic mediums. Paraffin based mineral oil with known composition was used as an oil medium. Gravimetric measurements in acidic medium were done using coupons made from cold rolled low carbon steel. Corrosion inhibition capabilities of compounds tested in this medium are given as percent inhibition efficiencies (IE %). Inhibition efficiencies of the compounds tested in mineral oil medium were given according to related standard method. The observed test results were interpreted and argued in accordance with test mediums and chemical structures of the synthesized compounds. Probable corrosion inhibition mechanisms were also argued.
Asidik ortam, Korozyon inhibitörleri, Mineral yağ ortamı, Sentez, Yağ asitleri türevleri, Acidic medium, Corrosion inhibitors, Mineral oil medium, Synthesis, Fatty acids derivatives
Yıldırım, A. (2009). Korozyon önleyici uzun zincir içerikli yeni organik bileşiklerin sentezi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.