Deprem mağduru kadınlarda psikolojik etkiler ve fiziksel aktivitenin iyileştirici rolü: Sistematik bir derleme (analiz)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı; fiziksel aktivitenin deprem mağduru kadınların psikososyal güçlenme sürecindeki iyileştirici etkisini belirlemek ve konuya dair bilgi sunmaktır. Bu amaçla araştırmaya dahil edilen çalışmalar, Türkçe ve İngilizce yayın dilinde olan, araştırma makalelerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmalar, alan yazın taraması yöntemiyle; Google Schoolar, Science Direct ve Uludağ E-Kütüphane veri tabanlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. ‘Deprem mağduru kadın, deprem mağduru kadın ve psikososyal destek, deprem mağduru kadın ve fiziksel aktivite, deprem mağduru kadın ve kadın ruh sağlığı’; eartquake and woman’, ‘earthquake and woman mental health’, ‘earthquake and woman and physical activity’,‘physical activity and woman mental health’ anahtar kelime ve cümleleri ile yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda ulaşılan 9174 makalenin duplikasyonlar nedeniyle elenerek ulaşılan 6445 tanesinden 20 makaleye ulaşılmış ve sistematik derlemeye dahil edilmiştir. Çalışmaya dahil edilen çalışmaların kalite değerlendirmesi ruh sağlığı alanında bağımsız iki uzman tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uzmanlar arasında kalite değerlendirme puanları arasında uyum, Cohen’s Kappa analizi ile gerçekleştirilmiş, araştırmaların genel özellik sonuçlarının analizinde SPSS.26analiz programı kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde, araştırmaların kalite değerlendirmesinin bağımsız iki uzman arasındaki güvenirlik değeri, 677 olarak sonuçlanmıştır (p< .05) ve uyumun iyi düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Fiziksel aktivitenin deprem mağduru kadınlar üzerinde etkisini belirleyen araştırmanın mevcut olmadığı görülmüş, kadın ruh sağlığına etkisi üzerine derlenen araştırmaların etki sonucunda bakıldığında da 17 araştırmanın (%85) fiziksel aktivitenin kadın ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etki alanına bakıldığında anlamlı-olumlu, ters ilişkili sonuç verdiği, 3 araştırmada (%15) herhangi bir anlam, pozitif ya da negatif ilişki yaratmadığı, anlamsız, pozitif ilişkili-olumsuz etki eden bir araştırmanın da bulunmadığı görülmüştür.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of physical activity on the psychosocial empowerment process of earthquake victim women and to provide information on the subject. For this purpose, the studies included in the research consist of research articles in Turkish and English. The researches were carried out in Google Schoolar, Science Direct and Uludağ E-Library databases by literaturere view method. As a result of the literature search with the key words and phrases'earthquake victim woman, earthquake victim woman and psychosocial support, earthquake victim woman and physical activity, earthquake victim woman and physical activity and woman mental health'; 'earthquake and woman', 'earthquakeand woman mental health', 'earthquake and woman and physical activity', 'physicalactivity and woman mental health', 20 articles were reached from 6445 of the 9174 articles reached by eliminating due to duplications and included in the system aticreview. The quality assessment of the included studies was carried out by two independent experts in the field of mental health. The agreement between the quality assessment scores between the experts was performed by Cahen's Kappa analysis, and SPSS.26 analysis programme was used to analyse the general feature results of the studies. In the analyses, the reliability coefficient of the quality assessment of the studies between the two experts was calculated as, 677 (p< .05) and the consensuswas found to be at a good level. It was seen that there was no research determining the effect of physical activity on earthquake victim women, and when the effect result of the studies compiled on the effect of physical activity on women's mentalhealth was examined, it was concluded that 17 studies (85%) gave significant-positive, inversely related results when the effect of physical activity on women'smental health was examined, 3 studies (15%) did not create any meaning, positiveor negative relationship, and there was no study that had an insignificant, positively related-negativeeffect.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of physical activity on the psychosocial empowerment process of earthquake victim women and to provide information on the subject. For this purpose, the studies included in the research consist of research articles in Turkish and English. The researches were carried out in Google Schoolar, Science Direct and Uludağ E-Library databases by literaturere view method. As a result of the literature search with the key words and phrases'earthquake victim woman, earthquake victim woman and psychosocial support, earthquake victim woman and physical activity, earthquake victim woman and physical activity and woman mental health'; 'earthquake and woman', 'earthquakeand woman mental health', 'earthquake and woman and physical activity', 'physicalactivity and woman mental health', 20 articles were reached from 6445 of the 9174 articles reached by eliminating due to duplications and included in the system aticreview. The quality assessment of the included studies was carried out by two independent experts in the field of mental health. The agreement between the quality assessment scores between the experts was performed by Cahen's Kappa analysis, and SPSS.26 analysis programme was used to analyse the general feature results of the studies. In the analyses, the reliability coefficient of the quality assessment of the studies between the two experts was calculated as, 677 (p< .05) and the consensuswas found to be at a good level. It was seen that there was no research determining the effect of physical activity on earthquake victim women, and when the effect result of the studies compiled on the effect of physical activity on women's mentalhealth was examined, it was concluded that 17 studies (85%) gave significant-positive, inversely related results when the effect of physical activity on women'smental health was examined, 3 studies (15%) did not create any meaning, positiveor negative relationship, and there was no study that had an insignificant, positively related-negativeeffect.
Deprem, Deprem mağduru kadın, Kadın ruh sağlığı, Psikososyal destek, Fiziksel aktivite, Earthquake, Earthquake victim women, Women's mental health psychosocial support, Physical activity
Baykan, A. (2023). Deprem mağduru kadınlarda psikolojik etkiler ve fiziksel aktivitenin iyileştirici rolü: Sistematik bir derleme (analiz). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.