Ülkemizde doğal olarak yetişen ve kültüre alınan Vaccinium spp. türlerinin fenolik bileşiklerinin ve antioksidan kapasitelerinin araştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Üzümsü meyveler, fenolik bileşikler ve antioksidan kapasiteleri açısından optimum beslenmede önemli bir yere sahiptir. Üzümsü meyveler grubuna giren yaban mersini de bu açıdan değerli meyvelerden birisidir. Ülkemizde gerek doğal olarak yetişen gerekse de kültüre alınan Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium corymbosum ve Vaccinium myritilis türlerinin genel kimyasal kompozisyonlarının, antioksidan kapasitelerinin ve fenolik maddelerinin araştırılması bu tez çalışmasının konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizin 13 farklı noktasından optimum olgunlukta temin edilmiş olan yaban mersini çeşitlerinin gallik asit, (+)-kateşin, ( - )-epikateşin, kafeik asit, p-kumarik asit, ferulik asit, resveratrol, kamferol, kuersetin, mirisetin, morin gibi fenolik bileşiklerinin HPLC-DAD tekniği ile analiz edilerek kantitatif olarak belirlenmesi ve antioksidan kapasitelerinin ABTS, DPPH ve CUPRAC testleri kullanılarak tespit edilmesi için çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Ülkemizdeki doğal olarak yetişen veya yetiştiriciliği yapılan yaban mersini türlerinin fenolik bileşikleri ve antioksidan kapasitelerindeki farklılıklar için elde edilen bulgular hem bölgesel düzeyde hem de çeşit bazında değerlendirilmiştir. Fenolik bileşiklerin ortalama miktarları mg/kg cinsinden sırasıyla büyükten küçüğe doğru ( - )-epikateşin (100.13), mirisetin (69.06), gallik asit (39.10), kafeik asit (29.67), (+)-kateşin (20.54), resveratrol (10.00), morin (6.93), tannik asit (5.52), kuersetin (5.15), kamferol (4.07) ve p-kumarik asit (1.29) olarak belirlenmiştir. Anyalya'dan temin edilen yaban mersini türü ise antioksidan aktivite açısından en zengin tür olarak belirlenmiştir.
Berries have an important place in an optimum diet due to their phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. For this reason, blueberries, one of a group of small fruits, has proven to be valuable. Investigation of the general chemical composition, antioxidant capacities and phenolic compounds of both naturally growth and cultivated types as Vaccinium corymbosum, Vaccinium angustifolium and Vaccinium myritilis in Turkey constitutes the content of this dissertation. In this respect, studies were conducted for the determination of phenolic compounds of optimally harvested blueberry types from 13 different locations. The compounds to be examined by using HPLC-DAD techniques include gallic acid, (+)- catechin, (-)-epicatechin, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, resveratrol, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, morin, and also antioxidant capacities by ABTS, DPPH and CUPRAC methods. Results for the differences in phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacities of naturally growth and cultivated blueberries were evaluated on the basis of both cultivars and regions. Average amounts of individual phenolic compounds have been determined (in diminishing order in mg/kg) as (-)-epicatechin (100.13), myricetin (69.06), gallic acid (39.10), caffeic acid (29.67), (+)-catechin (20.54), resveratrol (10.00), morin (6.93), tannic acid (5.52), quercetin (5.15), kaempferol (4.07) ve p-coumaric acid (1.29). The blueberry sample obtained from Antalya has been determined to be the richest one in terms of antioxidant capacity.
Berries have an important place in an optimum diet due to their phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. For this reason, blueberries, one of a group of small fruits, has proven to be valuable. Investigation of the general chemical composition, antioxidant capacities and phenolic compounds of both naturally growth and cultivated types as Vaccinium corymbosum, Vaccinium angustifolium and Vaccinium myritilis in Turkey constitutes the content of this dissertation. In this respect, studies were conducted for the determination of phenolic compounds of optimally harvested blueberry types from 13 different locations. The compounds to be examined by using HPLC-DAD techniques include gallic acid, (+)- catechin, (-)-epicatechin, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, resveratrol, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, morin, and also antioxidant capacities by ABTS, DPPH and CUPRAC methods. Results for the differences in phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacities of naturally growth and cultivated blueberries were evaluated on the basis of both cultivars and regions. Average amounts of individual phenolic compounds have been determined (in diminishing order in mg/kg) as (-)-epicatechin (100.13), myricetin (69.06), gallic acid (39.10), caffeic acid (29.67), (+)-catechin (20.54), resveratrol (10.00), morin (6.93), tannic acid (5.52), quercetin (5.15), kaempferol (4.07) ve p-coumaric acid (1.29). The blueberry sample obtained from Antalya has been determined to be the richest one in terms of antioxidant capacity.
Yaban mersini, Maviyemiş, Fenolik bileşikler, Antioksidan kapasite, HPLC-DAD, Blueberry, Phenolic compounds, Antioxidant capacity
Yıldız, S. (2012). Ülkemizde doğal olarak yetişen ve kültüre alınan Vaccinium spp. türlerinin fenolik bileşiklerinin ve antioksidan kapasitelerinin araştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.