Osmanlı dönemi Arnavutluk vakıfları (XVII- XIX. asırlar)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Müslümanların sosyal hayatında önemli görevler ifa eden vakıfların, Osmanlı Devleti döneminde Arnavut toplumuna eğitim, sağlık, din ve ticaret gibi insanların ihtiyaç duyduğu hemen her alanda önemli hizmetler sağladığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Arnavutluk Devleti arşivlerinden elde ettiğimiz 25 vakfiye ışığında Osmanlı hâkimiyeti altında bulunan Arnavutluk'ta kurulan vakıflar, bu vakıfların kurucuları, görev ve statüleri, vakıfların özellikleri, gelir kaynakları, vakıf gelirlerinin muhtelif hizmetlere ve gruplara dağılımı vakıfların şehrin imar ve iskânına katkıları, ticarî ve ekonomik hayattaki rolleriyle birlikte sosyal ve kültürel hayata etkileri gibi önemli hususlar tespit edilmeye ve değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tezimiz; giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş kısmında Arnavutluk tarihiyle ilgili kısa bilgiler verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde genel olarak vakıf kurumunun tanımı, işleyişi ve fonksiyonları, ikinci bölümde kurucularına ve hizmet amaçlarına göre kurulan vakıflar üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu çerçevede Arnavutluk'ta vakıf kuran toplumsal sınıflar, şahısların sosyal statüleri, görevleri, ne tür vakıf kurdukları ve vakıfların hizmet amaçları gibi hususlar incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise vakıfların Arnavutluk'un fizikȋ, ilmȋ ve kültürel yönden gelişmesindeki rolü ele alınmıştır.
İt can be seen that the waqfs whic fulfils important duties in the social life of Muslims have provided significant services in almost every area needed by the humans like education, health, religion and commerce in Albania during the Ottoman Empire period. This work tries to establish important matters such as the waqfs founded in Albania under the reign of the Ottoman Empire, the founders of these waqfs, their roles and statutes; the features and sources of income of the waqfs they have founded; the distribution of the waqf incomes to various services and groups; and the contribution of the waqfs to the town planning and inhabiting; and also the effects of the waqfs on the tradingi economic, social and cultural life and finally review these from different perspectives in the light information ontained from the Albanian State archive about 25 deed of trust of a pious foundations. The thesis is comprised of introduction and three chapters. In the introduction part some brief information about Albania is tried to be given. The first chapter delivers general information on definition, running and functions of waqfs. In the second part the waqfs are stressed according to their founders and service aims. Matters such as social classes who establishes waqfs, the social statutes of the individuals, their duties, what kind of waqfs they have established and the service aims of these waqfs have been studied withi,n this framework. Finally in the third chapter the role of waqfs in the physical, scientific and cultural development of Albania is discussed.
İt can be seen that the waqfs whic fulfils important duties in the social life of Muslims have provided significant services in almost every area needed by the humans like education, health, religion and commerce in Albania during the Ottoman Empire period. This work tries to establish important matters such as the waqfs founded in Albania under the reign of the Ottoman Empire, the founders of these waqfs, their roles and statutes; the features and sources of income of the waqfs they have founded; the distribution of the waqf incomes to various services and groups; and the contribution of the waqfs to the town planning and inhabiting; and also the effects of the waqfs on the tradingi economic, social and cultural life and finally review these from different perspectives in the light information ontained from the Albanian State archive about 25 deed of trust of a pious foundations. The thesis is comprised of introduction and three chapters. In the introduction part some brief information about Albania is tried to be given. The first chapter delivers general information on definition, running and functions of waqfs. In the second part the waqfs are stressed according to their founders and service aims. Matters such as social classes who establishes waqfs, the social statutes of the individuals, their duties, what kind of waqfs they have established and the service aims of these waqfs have been studied withi,n this framework. Finally in the third chapter the role of waqfs in the physical, scientific and cultural development of Albania is discussed.
Osmanlı, Vakıflar, Arnavutluk’ta vakıflar, XVII.-XIX. y.y., Ottoman, Waqfs, Deed of trust of a pious foundation, Waqfs in Albania, XVIIXIX century
Hallaçi, R. (2013). Osmanlı dönemi Arnavutluk vakıfları (XVII- XIX. asırlar). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.