Püstüler ve non-püstüler psoriasisde HLA antijenleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Psoriasis; etyolojisi ve patogenezi bilinmeyen, kronik seyirli, remisyon ve tekrarlarla seyreden, inflamatuar ve hiperproliiferatif bir deri hastalığıdır. Püstüler psoriasis ise steril püstüllerle seyreden atipik bir psoriasis formudur. Patogenezinde immünogenetik faktörlerin olduğundan şüphelenilen ve belirli bazı insan lökosit antijenleri (HLA) ile birlikteliği belirgin olan çok sayıda hastalıktan biri de psoriasisdir. Püstüler psoriasis ile ilgili HLA analizleri ise az sayıda olmakla birlikte psoriasisden (non-püstüler) farklı genetik geçişe dikkat çekmektedir. Çalışmamızda, psoriasis (non-püstüler) ve püstüler psoriasisin değişik klinik formlarının yanında, tip 1 ve tip 2 psoriasis ile HLA antijenleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık. Bu amaçla klinik ve histopatolojik olarak tanıları konan psoriasisli (non-püstüler) 50 olgu ile püstüler psoriasisli 18 olgunun HLA paternleri lenfositik mikrotoksisite yöntemiyle çalışıldı. Yaptığımız HLA analizleri sonucunda, HLA B17' nin tip 1 psoriasis, guttat psoriasis ve palmoplantar püstüler psoriasisde anlamlı olarak artmış olduğunu saptadık. Ayrıca HLA B17, psoriasis(non-püstüler) ve plak tipi psoriasis hastalarında da az anlamlı olarak artmıştı. Bunun yanısıra HLA B13' ün JPP' li hastalarda, HLA DQ9' un ise palmoplantar püstüler psoriasisli hastalardaki sıklığındaki artış da az anlamlıydı. Sonuç olarak, bizim verilerimiz ve literatür verileri ışığında, psoriasisin ve özellikle tip 1 formunun HLA ilişkisinin kesin olduğunu, püstüler psoriasis HLA ilişkisinin ise psoriasisden (non-püstüler) sandığımızdan çok daha fazla benzerlik ve farklılıklar gösterdiğini düşünmekteyiz.
Psoriasis is chronic, inflammatory and hyperproliferative skin disease, which has a progress with remissions and recurrences, and whose etiology and pathogenesis is not known. Pustular psoriasis is an atypical form of psoriasis, characterized by sterile pustules. Psoriasis is are of various the diseases whose etiopathogenesis is suspected to be immunogenetic and has association with some human leucocyte antigens.HLA is clear; is psoriasis.are rare;they, they although HLA analysis related to the pustular psoriasis attract attention to a different genetic inheritance. in our study, beside the various clinical forms of psoriasis and pustular psoriasis, we researched the relationship between the type 1 and type 2 psoriasis and HLA antigens. HLA patterns of 50 cases, clinically and histopathologically diagnosed as psoriasis, and 18 cases with pustular psoriasis, were studied with lymphocytic microtoxicity method. At the end of our HLA analysis, we stated that HLA B17 was very significantly increased in type 1 psoriasis, guttate psoriasis and palmoplantar pustular psoriasis. Besides this, HLA B 17 was increased significantly in psoriasis and plaque type psoriasis patients.In addition, the frequency of HLA B13 in JPP patients and HLA DQ9 in palmoplantar pustular psoriasis were a some what significant. As a result, in the light of our result and literatural data, we conclude that the relationship between psoriasis, especially type 1, and HLA is definite, but the presumed relationship between pustular psoriasis and HLA has much more similarites and differences, than it is between psoriasis and HLA.
Psoriasis is chronic, inflammatory and hyperproliferative skin disease, which has a progress with remissions and recurrences, and whose etiology and pathogenesis is not known. Pustular psoriasis is an atypical form of psoriasis, characterized by sterile pustules. Psoriasis is are of various the diseases whose etiopathogenesis is suspected to be immunogenetic and has association with some human leucocyte antigens.HLA is clear; is psoriasis.are rare;they, they although HLA analysis related to the pustular psoriasis attract attention to a different genetic inheritance. in our study, beside the various clinical forms of psoriasis and pustular psoriasis, we researched the relationship between the type 1 and type 2 psoriasis and HLA antigens. HLA patterns of 50 cases, clinically and histopathologically diagnosed as psoriasis, and 18 cases with pustular psoriasis, were studied with lymphocytic microtoxicity method. At the end of our HLA analysis, we stated that HLA B17 was very significantly increased in type 1 psoriasis, guttate psoriasis and palmoplantar pustular psoriasis. Besides this, HLA B 17 was increased significantly in psoriasis and plaque type psoriasis patients.In addition, the frequency of HLA B13 in JPP patients and HLA DQ9 in palmoplantar pustular psoriasis were a some what significant. As a result, in the light of our result and literatural data, we conclude that the relationship between psoriasis, especially type 1, and HLA is definite, but the presumed relationship between pustular psoriasis and HLA has much more similarites and differences, than it is between psoriasis and HLA.
Psoriasis, HLA, Ailesel, Genetik, Familial, Genetics
Özmen, Y. (2001). Püstüler ve non-püstüler psoriasisde HLA antijenleri. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.