Growth and nutritional follow up of premature newborns after discharge

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Türk Pediatri Derneği


Although there are no official recommendations for specific nutrient intakes in premature infants after hospital discharge, it is agreed that the goal should be to achieve the body composition and rate of growth of that of a normal fetus of the same postmenstrual age during the entire first year of life. Close monitoring of growth during hospital stay and after discharge is recommended to enable the provision of adequate nutrition support. Measurements of length and head circumference, in addition to weight, must be used to identify those preterm infants with poor growth that may need additional nutrition support. Infants with an appropriate weight for postconceptional age at discharge should be breast-fed when possible. Infants discharged with a subnormal weight for postconceptional age are at increased risk of long-term growth failure, and the human milk they consume should be supplemented, for example, with a human milk fortifier to provide an adequate nutrient supply. If formula-fed, such infants should receive special postdischarge formula with high contents of protein, minerals and trace elements as well as an long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supply, until about 52 weeks postconceptional age. Continued growth monitoring is required to adapt feeding choices to the needs of individual infants and to avoid underfeeding or overfeeding.



Growth, Nutrition, Premature, Preterm infants, Postdischarge nutrition, Birth, Supplementation, Childhood, Children, Height, Milk, Pediatrics


Köksal, N. (2010). "Growth and nutritional follow up of premature newborns after discharge". Türk Pediatri Arşivi--Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 45(Supplement S), 15-19.
