Keñeş Cusupov'un "Manas" romanının Türkiye Türkçesi çevirisinde deyimlerin kullanımı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, Keñeş Cusupov'un nesir biçiminde yazdığı "Manas" romanı ile Fikret Türkmen ve Alimcan İnayet'in Türkiye Türkçesine aktardığı "Manas Destanı" romanındaki Kırgız Türkçesi ile Türkiye Türkçesi arasındaki deyimlerin kullanımı incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ana bölümünde kaynak metin ile çeviri metindeki deyimler karşılıklı tespit edilerek tablo şeklinde değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Deyimler orijinal metinden ve çevirisinden bağlam içinde çıkarıldıktan sonra deyimler sözlüklerine ve internet üzerinde TDK Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğüne başvurularak incelenmiştir. Bu örneklerden ziyade çeviri metinde bazı deyimler asılından anlam kaymalarıyla çevrildiği tespit edilmiştir ve yanı sıra gereken açıklamalar dipnotlarla yerinde verilmiştir. Çıkarılan ve incelenilen deyimler değerlendirmeye alınarak bu eserin deyimler açısından nasıl çevrildiği tahlil edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
In this study the using of idioms on Turkish spoken in Kyrgyzstan and Turkish spoken in Turkey has been examined on an example of "Manas" novel, which was written by Kenesh Jusupov in the from of prose and "Epik of Manas" novel, wich was translated to Turkish spoken in Turkey by Fikret Turkmen and Alimjan Inayet. İn the main part of study idioms from the original text of novel and its translation text mutually determind and evaluated in the from of table. İdioms after got out in context of original and translation text were examined with reference to vocabularies of idioms and a Vocabulary of Proverbs and Idioms of the Turkish language organization on via internet. From these examples were identified that some idioms in translation text were transfered with the meaning shirts from original and as well as necessary clarifications have given in footnotes. By evaluating the reviewed idioms in this study tried to be assayed how the text was translated in terms of idioms.
In this study the using of idioms on Turkish spoken in Kyrgyzstan and Turkish spoken in Turkey has been examined on an example of "Manas" novel, which was written by Kenesh Jusupov in the from of prose and "Epik of Manas" novel, wich was translated to Turkish spoken in Turkey by Fikret Turkmen and Alimjan Inayet. İn the main part of study idioms from the original text of novel and its translation text mutually determind and evaluated in the from of table. İdioms after got out in context of original and translation text were examined with reference to vocabularies of idioms and a Vocabulary of Proverbs and Idioms of the Turkish language organization on via internet. From these examples were identified that some idioms in translation text were transfered with the meaning shirts from original and as well as necessary clarifications have given in footnotes. By evaluating the reviewed idioms in this study tried to be assayed how the text was translated in terms of idioms.
Deyim, Kırgız Türkçesi, Türkiye Türkçesi, Aktarma, Idioms, Turkish spoken in Kyrgyzstan, Turkish spoken in Turkey, Transfer
Kyzy, E. S. (2018). Keñeş Cusupov'un "Manas" romanının Türkiye Türkçesi çevirisinde deyimlerin kullanımı. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.