Gerberada (Gerbera jamesonii) farklı uygulamaların hasat sonrası ömrüne etkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmada hasat öncesi ve hasat sonrası farklı uygulamaların gerberada (Gerbera jamesonii cv. `Rosalin') hasat sonrası kalite ve vazo ömrüne etkisi incelenmiştir. Üretim serasında deneme parseli 6 gruba ayrılmıştır. Kontrol grubundaki örnekler standart yetiştiricilik uygulamaları dışında herhangi bir uygulama yapılmadan yetiştirilmişlerdir. Mycorrhiza uygulaması için 15.74 gr örnek 4.20 L suda eritilerek her köke 25 ml olacak şekilde, Trichoderma uygulaması için ise 70 gr örnek ve paket içindeki aktivatörlerin ¼' ü 4.20 L suda eritilerek her köke 25 ml olacak şekilde, dikim sırasında fidelerin dip kısmına uygulanmıştır. Teldor uygulaması (10 ml Teldor/ 10 L su ) örneklere dikim sırasında ve çiçek tomurcuğu görüldükten bir ay sonra 7 gün aralıklarla uygulanmış ve toplamda 5 uygulama olarak yapılmıştır. Ca uygulaması hasat öncesi dönemde sap kısmına püskürtme şeklinde %1.00 CaCl2 çiçeklerin sap kısmına uygulanmıştır. İlk çiçek tomurcuğu görüldükten 1 ay sonra başlayan uygulama 7 günde bir tekrar edilerek toplamda 5 uygulama şeklinde yapılmıştır. Ayrıca aynı grup bitkilere hasat sonrasında da daldırma yöntemi ile 16 saat süreyle %1.00 oranında CaCl2 uygulaması tekrarlanmıştır. Hasat sonrası ise gerberalara 625 ppb konsantrasyonunda 1-MCP uygulaması 4 saat süreyle 4±1ºC sıcaklıkta ve %80±5 oransal nem koşullarında yapılmıştır. Gerberalara hasat öncesi ve hasat sonrası uygulamalar yapıldıktan sonra tüm örnekler; NA ve MAP koşullarında muhafaza edilmiştir. Bu amaçla, örnekler 4±1ºC sıcaklık ve %80±5 oransal nem koşullarında 35 gün muhafaza edilmiştir. NA uygulaması için plastik vazolar, MAP uygulaması için ise 30 µm kalınlığında PE, PP ve PVC olmak üzere 3 farklı örtü materyali kullanılmıştır. Hasat öncesi ve hasat sonrasında yapılan uygulamalar arasındaki farklılığın belirlenmesi amacıyla muhafazanın 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 ve 35. günlerinde alınan çiçek örneklerinde çeşitli kalite parametreleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde muhafazanın ilerlemesiyle çiçeklerde yaprak dökülmeleri artmış, su kaybına bağlı olarak çap azalmaları gözlenmiştir. Muhafaza süresinin sonlarına doğru çiçeklerde solmalar ve renk özelliklerinde kayıplar meydana gelmiştir. Çalışma muhafaza yöntemleri açısından değerlendirildiğinde, MAP uygulamaları her grup örnekte kalite kayıplarını NA' e göre en aza indirmiştir. MAP uygulaması yapılmış örnekler canlılıklarını ve ticari değerlerini daha uzun süre korumuşlardır. 30 µm PE örtü materyali kullanılmış çiçeklerde yaprak dökümleri ve solmalar daha erken dönemlerde gözlenmiştir. Bu açıdan örtü materyalleri değerlendirildiğinde, PE örtü materyali ile karşılaştırıldığında PP ve PVC örtü materyalleri ile yapılmış MAP uygulamaları ile daha başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. 35 günlük muhafaza çalışması sonunda ağırlık kaybı, petal kopma kuvveti, çiçek sapı Ca içeriği ve vazo ömrü gibi bazı kalite parametreleri bakımından en başarılı sonuçlar 1-MCP + 30 µm PP kombine uygulamasından elde edilmiştir.
In this study, it is analyzed that the effects of various preharvest and postharvest treatments on postharvest quality and vase life in gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii cv. `Rosalin?). Study plot in the production greenhouse was divided into six group. Samples of control groups were grown without doing any treatment apart from standard growing ones. For Mycorrhiza treatment, 15.74 g sample was dissolved in 4.20 L water and put into all roots as 25 mL towards the bottom of seedlings. 70 g sample and activators in the packages were dissolved in 4.20 L water and put into all roots as 25 mL towards the bottom of seedlings during the planting for Trichoderma treatment. Teldor treatment (10 ml Teldor/ 10 L water ) was implemented in the course of planting and following month after sight of flower bud with seven days apart for five times. Ca treatment was made in the period of preharvest as 1.00 % CaCl2 pulverization towards the stem of the flowers. Treatment which is started after the sight of first flower bud was repeated every seven days for five times totally. Furthermore, in the term of postharvest, CaCl2 treatment was made at the ratio of 1.00 % along 16 hours for same plant groups by using the dip method. 1-MCP treatment with 625 ppb was applied along 4 hours on gerberas under 4±1ºC temperature and %80±5 relative humidity. After the all treatments which were made in preharvest and postharvest on gerberas, the whole of the samples were stored in NA and MAP conditions. For this aim, samples were held at 4±1ºC temperature and %80±5 relative humidity for 35 days. Plastic vases were used for NA treatment and three different cover materials which are PE, PP and PVC with 30 µm thickness were used for MAP treatments. A variety of quality parameters which are taken from flower samples at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of storage were examined to determine the differences between preharvest and postharvest treatments. When it comes to general evaluation of the study, abscission increased within each passing day and a decrease in diameter occurred because of water loss. Towards the end of storage, discoloration and color loss were observed. When this study is evaluated in terms of storage methods, MAP treatments minimized the loss of quality for all sample groups than NA treatment did. MAP samples protected their viability and commercial value for longer time. Abscission and discoloration of flowers occurred earlier with 30 µm PE cover materials. In this perspective, if cover materials are examined, more successful results were acquired with the aid of MAP treatments which were made with PP and PVC in comparison with PE. At the end of 35 days storage, the most successful results were obtained from the combination of 1-MCP + 30 µm PP treatment in terms of some quality parameters such as weight loss, petal leaf rupture force, Ca content of stem and vase life.
In this study, it is analyzed that the effects of various preharvest and postharvest treatments on postharvest quality and vase life in gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii cv. `Rosalin?). Study plot in the production greenhouse was divided into six group. Samples of control groups were grown without doing any treatment apart from standard growing ones. For Mycorrhiza treatment, 15.74 g sample was dissolved in 4.20 L water and put into all roots as 25 mL towards the bottom of seedlings. 70 g sample and activators in the packages were dissolved in 4.20 L water and put into all roots as 25 mL towards the bottom of seedlings during the planting for Trichoderma treatment. Teldor treatment (10 ml Teldor/ 10 L water ) was implemented in the course of planting and following month after sight of flower bud with seven days apart for five times. Ca treatment was made in the period of preharvest as 1.00 % CaCl2 pulverization towards the stem of the flowers. Treatment which is started after the sight of first flower bud was repeated every seven days for five times totally. Furthermore, in the term of postharvest, CaCl2 treatment was made at the ratio of 1.00 % along 16 hours for same plant groups by using the dip method. 1-MCP treatment with 625 ppb was applied along 4 hours on gerberas under 4±1ºC temperature and %80±5 relative humidity. After the all treatments which were made in preharvest and postharvest on gerberas, the whole of the samples were stored in NA and MAP conditions. For this aim, samples were held at 4±1ºC temperature and %80±5 relative humidity for 35 days. Plastic vases were used for NA treatment and three different cover materials which are PE, PP and PVC with 30 µm thickness were used for MAP treatments. A variety of quality parameters which are taken from flower samples at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of storage were examined to determine the differences between preharvest and postharvest treatments. When it comes to general evaluation of the study, abscission increased within each passing day and a decrease in diameter occurred because of water loss. Towards the end of storage, discoloration and color loss were observed. When this study is evaluated in terms of storage methods, MAP treatments minimized the loss of quality for all sample groups than NA treatment did. MAP samples protected their viability and commercial value for longer time. Abscission and discoloration of flowers occurred earlier with 30 µm PE cover materials. In this perspective, if cover materials are examined, more successful results were acquired with the aid of MAP treatments which were made with PP and PVC in comparison with PE. At the end of 35 days storage, the most successful results were obtained from the combination of 1-MCP + 30 µm PP treatment in terms of some quality parameters such as weight loss, petal leaf rupture force, Ca content of stem and vase life.
1-MCP, Fungisit, Gerbera, Kalite, Kalsiyum, Mycorrhiza, Muhafaza, Trichoderma, Vazo ömrü, Calcium, Mycorrhiza, Quality, Storage, Vase life
Murat, Ş. (2012). Gerberada (Gerbera jamesonii) farklı uygulamaların hasat sonrası ömrüne etkisi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.