Çocuk onkoloji hastalarında tedavi sonrası büyüme ve kemik sağlığının zaman içindeki değişimi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Günümüzde çocukluk çağı kanserlerinde sağkalım oranı kemoterapi (KT) ve radyoterapi (RT) uygulamaları ve yoğun destek bakımları ile belirgin derecede artmıştır. Sağkalım oranı ve süresi arttıkça tedavinin geç etkileri giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Geç etkiler arasında kemik mineral yoğunluğunda azalma, kemik kütlesindeki kayıplara bağlı olarak gelişen osteopeni ve osteoporoz, büyüme geriliği, malnutrisyon ve obezite sık rastlanan sorunlardandır.Bu çalışmada lenfoma ve solid tümör tanısıyla KT ve RT alarak iyileşen, daha önce kemik mineral yoğunlukları ve büyümeleri değerlendirilmiş çocukların yeniden KMY ve büyüme açısından değerlendirilmesi ve bulguların zaman içindeki değişiminin irdelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Çalışmaya, 2004 yılından önce tanı almış olan lenfomalı 27 (%40.9), solid tümörlü 39 (%59.1) toplam 66 hasta (47 erkek, 19 kız) alındı. Hastaların kemik mineral yoğunlukları (KMY) dexa ile değerlendirildi.Hastaların tanı anındaki yaş ortalaması 6.58±4.80 yıl (35 gün-17.75 yıl), çalışma sırasındaki yaş ortalaması 12.78±4.17 yıl (5.10-23.61 yıl) saptandı. Ortalama izlem süresi 6.55±1.71 yıl (3.91-12.05 yıl) idi. Hastaların tümü kemoterapi, %31.8'i (n=21) RT almıştı.İlk değerlendirmede (2005 yılı) osteoporozu olan 17 hasta (%25.8), osteopenisi olan 26 hasta (%39.4) mevcuttu. 2009 yılında osteoporozu olan 7 hasta (%10.6), osteopenisi olan 13 hasta (%19.7) mevcuttu. İki dönemin karşılaştırılmasında osteopeni ve osteoporozda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalma mevcuttu (p=0.001).RT alan ve almayan hastalar arasında kemik mineral yoğunluğunun normal ve osteoporoz olması açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0.028). KMY ile cinsiyet, puberte, evre, kemoterapi ajanlarının her biri için ilacı alıp almama ve doz açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı.Hastalarımızın tanı, 2005 ve 2009 yılındaki vücut ölçümleri karşılaştırıldı. Boyda tanıdakine göre her iki dönemde artış, boy standart deviasyon skorunda (SDS) 2005 yılında tanıdakine göre azalma, 2009 yılında 2005 yılına göre artış mevcuttu. Ağırlıkta tanıdakine göre her iki dönemde artış, ağırlık SDS'de 2005 yılında tanıdakine göre artış, 2009 yılında 2005 yılına göre azalma mevcuttu. Vücut kitle indeksinde (VKİ) tanıdakine göre her iki dönemde artış, VKİ SDS'de 2005 yılında tanıdakine göre artış, 2009 yılında 2005 yılına göre azalma mevcuttu.Sonuç olarak; çalışmamız ağırlık, boy, vücut kitle indeksi ve kemik sağlığının tedaviden sonraki erken dönemde belirgin etkilendiğini göstermiştir. Ancak ikinci değerlendirmede bu bozuklukların, özellikle ağırlık artışı ve büyümede yavaşlamanın, kalıcı olmadığı ve zamanla düzelme gösterdiği anlaşılmıştır. Bununla beraber, ortalama 6,5 yıllık izlem sonunda hastalarımızın üçte birinde düşük KMY'nin halen devam ettiği ve RT alan hastalarda düşük KMY oranının anlamlı olarak daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu da özellikle RT alan hastaların uzun dönem takibini ve gereken hastalarda buna yönelik tedavilerin uygulanması gerektiğini düşündürdü.
Nowadays, survival rates in childhood cancers are markedly increased due to effective chemotherapy (CT) regimens, radiotherapy (RT) and intensive supportive measures. As the survival rates and periods are increased the late effects of treatment regimens become more important. Amongst the most common late effects are decreases in bone mineral density and the resultant osteopenia or osteoporosis, growth retardation, malnutrition and obesity. In this study, we aimed to reevaluate the children who had CT or RT with the diagnosis of lymphoma or solid tumors and were previously assessed for their bone mineral densities and growths, as well as to underline the changes in this findings within the times.The study included a total of 66 children (47 boys and 19 girls) with previously diagnosed lymphoma (27 children, 40.9%) and solid tumors (39 children; 59.1%). The bone mineral densities (BMD) were evaluated with DEXA.The mean ages of the patients at diagnosis and at the time of inclusion were 6.58±4.80 years (35 days to17.75 years), and 12.78±4.17 years (5.10 to 23.61 years), respectively. The mean follow-up period was 6.55±1.71 years (3.91 to 12.05 years). All had CT and 21 (31.8%) had RT. In the first evaluation (2005), there were 17 (25.8%) patients with osteoporosis and 26 (39.4%) with osteopenia. In 2009, 7 (10.6%) had osteoporosis and 13 (19.7%) had osteopenia. There were statistically significant decreases in the rates of osteoporosis and osteopenia within the times (p<0.001). The rates of decreased BMDs were significantly differed between those having RT or not (p=0.028). There were no significant associations between BMD and gender, puberty, stage of the disease, each drug of the CT regimens or CT dosages.Anthropometric measurements of the patients at diagnosis, in 2005 and in 2009 were compared. The heights were increased in both study periods. However, the mean height SDS was decreased in 2005 when compared to baseline and increased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005. Similarly, the weights were also increased in both study periods. However, the mean weight SDS was increased in 2005 when compared to baseline and decreased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005. The body mass indexes (BMIs) were increased in both study periods. However, the mean BMI SDS was increased in 2005 when compared to baseline and decreased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005.In conclusion, this study showed that heights, weights, BMIs and bone healths of the patients were significantly influenced in the early periods after the completion of the therapies. These abnormalities, especially weight gain and growth retardations were not sustained in the later periods and improved with times.However, BMD abnormalities were still present in about a third of our study population after the mean follow-up of 6.5 years. In addition, the rate of decreased BMD was significantly higher in those having RT. This suggests that survivors of cancer patients, especially those having RT should be closely followed and cared for long terms.
Nowadays, survival rates in childhood cancers are markedly increased due to effective chemotherapy (CT) regimens, radiotherapy (RT) and intensive supportive measures. As the survival rates and periods are increased the late effects of treatment regimens become more important. Amongst the most common late effects are decreases in bone mineral density and the resultant osteopenia or osteoporosis, growth retardation, malnutrition and obesity. In this study, we aimed to reevaluate the children who had CT or RT with the diagnosis of lymphoma or solid tumors and were previously assessed for their bone mineral densities and growths, as well as to underline the changes in this findings within the times.The study included a total of 66 children (47 boys and 19 girls) with previously diagnosed lymphoma (27 children, 40.9%) and solid tumors (39 children; 59.1%). The bone mineral densities (BMD) were evaluated with DEXA.The mean ages of the patients at diagnosis and at the time of inclusion were 6.58±4.80 years (35 days to17.75 years), and 12.78±4.17 years (5.10 to 23.61 years), respectively. The mean follow-up period was 6.55±1.71 years (3.91 to 12.05 years). All had CT and 21 (31.8%) had RT. In the first evaluation (2005), there were 17 (25.8%) patients with osteoporosis and 26 (39.4%) with osteopenia. In 2009, 7 (10.6%) had osteoporosis and 13 (19.7%) had osteopenia. There were statistically significant decreases in the rates of osteoporosis and osteopenia within the times (p<0.001). The rates of decreased BMDs were significantly differed between those having RT or not (p=0.028). There were no significant associations between BMD and gender, puberty, stage of the disease, each drug of the CT regimens or CT dosages.Anthropometric measurements of the patients at diagnosis, in 2005 and in 2009 were compared. The heights were increased in both study periods. However, the mean height SDS was decreased in 2005 when compared to baseline and increased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005. Similarly, the weights were also increased in both study periods. However, the mean weight SDS was increased in 2005 when compared to baseline and decreased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005. The body mass indexes (BMIs) were increased in both study periods. However, the mean BMI SDS was increased in 2005 when compared to baseline and decreased in 2009 when compared to that of 2005.In conclusion, this study showed that heights, weights, BMIs and bone healths of the patients were significantly influenced in the early periods after the completion of the therapies. These abnormalities, especially weight gain and growth retardations were not sustained in the later periods and improved with times.However, BMD abnormalities were still present in about a third of our study population after the mean follow-up of 6.5 years. In addition, the rate of decreased BMD was significantly higher in those having RT. This suggests that survivors of cancer patients, especially those having RT should be closely followed and cared for long terms.
Çocukluk çağı kanserleri, Geç etkiler, Osteoporoz, Büyüme, Childhood cancers, Late effects, Osteoporosis, Growth
Demirkaya, M. (2010). Çocuk onkoloji hastalarında tedavi sonrası büyüme ve kemik sağlığının zaman içindeki değişimi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.