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Item AIDS çalışmaları için önemli bir model: FIV(feline immunodeficiency virus)(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Minbay, Ahmet; Çetin, Cengiz; Veteriner FakültesiRecently, FIV which appears to be species specific to the cat has been discovered and it has been considered to be an important model for studies on AIDS because of its many similarities to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that causes AIDS in man. FIV is a T-lymphotropic retrovirus with single-stranded RNA and Mg2+ - dependent RT (reverse transcriptase). It belongs to the same lentivirus subfamily of retroviruses as the HIV. FIV infection is widely distributed throught the world.The most common route of transmission seems to be via infected saliva inoculated by bites during cat fights. Infection is found mainly in older, male, free roaming cats. It gives rise to a wide range of symptoms similar to those seen in human patients immunosuppressed by HIV infection. FIV injection is usually diagnosed using an ELISA (Enzyme Linked lmmunosorbent Assay) test for detecting antibodies to the virus. Results of ELISA are confirmed by IFA (Immunofluorescence Antibody) testing or by WB (Westem Blot). lnvestigatians on the therapy and the development of effective vaccine against FIV infection have been continued imensively. Hopefully, the knowledges acquired from these researches will explain to unknown points in respect to FIV and HIV. The aim of this review article is to inform about importance and characteristics of FIV which is an important model for studies on AIDS.Item Alabalıkların kuyruk kaslarında motor sinir sonlarının morfolojik ve histoşimik özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Erdost, Hatice; Veteriner Fakültesi; Histoloji Embriyoloji Ana Bilim DalıIn this study, structural properties, shapes and types of motor nerve terminals of tail muscles were observed by the light microscopy. In the light of the examinations of slides taken from 7 different muscles of tail region, it was observed that, m. lateralis superficialis was formed by small diameter red muscle fibers whereas the larger part of the other 6 muscles were formed by large diameter white fibers. Meanwhile, intermediate type muscle fibers were found among these muscles. In addition to them, small, triangled myosatellite cells were observed, too. It has been established that the innervation of the red muscle fibers of m. lateralis superficialis occured by multiple and end plate type. White muscle fibers which are extensively found in the other muscles of the tail in trout, except m. lilteralis superficialis are innervated by multiple and end grappe type nerve terminals. Also, it has been determined that endomysium had positive AChE activity only in white muscle fibres in other regions except nerve terminals.Item Broiler üretiminde değişik yerleşim sıklığı ve kesim yaşlarında büyüme ve ekonomik verimlilik(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Oğan, Mustafa; Veteriner Fakültesi; Zootekni Ana Bilim DalıThis study was done to put forward the growth performance of commercial broiler hybrids in various stocking densities and slaughter ages and to determine the economical density. The study was performed in Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Research and Application Farm. 2880 Arbor Acres chicks were used as study material. Chicks were grown in four different stocking densities (10, 14, 18 and 22 chicks per square meter) and slaughtered in three dfferent slaughter ages (in the 5th, 6th and 7th weeks). In the 5th,6th and 7th weeks living weights and carcass weights were found similiar in groups with stocking densities 10 and 14 birds/m2 and they were found much higher than the values gained in groups with higher stocking densities (18 and 22 birds/m2). Male chicks grew more quickly than females in all periods and stocking densities. In the 6th and 7th weeks, the best feed conversion was determined in groups with stocking densities 10 and 14 birds/m2. From the aspect of survival rate no important difference was found in groups with various stocking densities. Economic analyses indicated that profit gained per square meter increased as the stocking density increased. Maximum profit per square meter was determined in the group with density 22 birds/m2. It was convinced that the 6th week would be convenient as the slaughter age.Item Bursa yöresi tavuk çiftliklerinin içme sularında arsenikle kirlenme düzeyleri(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yılmaz, Orhan; Sonal, Songül; Ceylan, Selahattin; Veteriner FakültesiArsenic residue levels were determined in drinking water samples supplied from the poultry farms located in Bursa Province. These levels were found to be between 0.200-77. 600 ppb. The least level was measured in samples from the farms in Bursa Municipal area.Item Bursa'da yaşayan sokak köpeklerinin kadmiyum ve kurşunla kirlenme düzeyleri(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yılmaz, Orhan; Sonal, Songül; Ceylan, Selahattin; Veteriner FakültesiResidues of cadmium and lead in liver and kidney tissues of urban dogs necropsied in Veterinary Faculty of Uludağ University, were determined. The mean cadmium and lead residue levels were found as 0.096 ± 0.016, 0.026 ± 0.003 ppm in liver and 0.199 ± 0.023, 0.022 ± 0.003 ppm in kidney respectively. The differences between kidney and liver cadmium residue levels were significant (p < 0.001).Item Bir buzağıda karşılaştığımız abomasum ülseri olgusu(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yanık, Kemal; Sönmez, Gürsel; Kızıldağlı, H. Ozlem; Veteriner Fakültesi; Patoloji Ana Bilim DalıUn veau male de six jours de race Holstein est presente a la consultation pour la plainte de la constipation dans notre clinique. Dans cet article, on est Presente l'ulcere de la caillette que nous avons rancontre par hasard.Item Dansçı ayılarda bazı kan parametreleri üzerinde bir araştırma(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yaman, Kemalettin; Cengiz, Fahrünisa; Aydın, Cenk; Garip, Nurten; Veteriner FakültesiBlood, samples of anesthetized dancing bears (16 animals) brought into the wildlife research centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for rehabilitation were analysed for red and white blood cell counts, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit and erythrocyte sedimentation rates.(ESR) Respective values for RBC, WBC, Hb, PCV, and ESR were 7. 266 x 10 6/mm3 , 9.137 x 10 3/mm3, 16.0 g/100 ml, 44.0 %, and 19 mm/1 hr at 45°. Except ESR, other figures seemed to be in the limits of reference values.Item Dansçı ayılarda bazı plazma ve şekilli element değerleri üzerinde bir araştırma(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yaman, Kemalettin; Cengiz, Fahrünisa; Garip, Nurten; Aydın, Cenk; Veteriner FakültesiPlasma and formed element samples of anesthetized dancing bears (19 animals) brought into the wildlife research centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for rehabilitation and protection were analysed for glucose, urea, amylase, creatinine, red cell Na and K, red cell diameter, differential leukocyte count and platelet numbers. Mean glucose 77.20 mg/dl, urea 29.22 mg/dl, creatinine 1.04 mg/dl and amylase 31.77 U/l values were obtained from the plasma samples. Mean erythrocyte diameter 6. 60 p., ENa 61. 67, EK 6. 79 mmol/l, neutrophil 60, eosinophil 7, monocyte 3, lymphocyte 30, platelet numbers 475.30x10 3/mm3 were obtained as corpuscular values.Item Farklı koyun ırklarında eritrosit K, Na ve hemoglobin tiplerinin belirlenmesi üzerine araştırma(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Mert, Nihat; Çetin, Meltem; Yaman, Kemalettin; Veteriner Fakültesi; Fizyoloji Ana Bilim DalıThe aim of these study was to find out the types of erythrocyte K, Na and Hb ofTahirova, Türkgeldi and Kıvırcık sheep in four-month-old. The potassium (K) and sodium (Na) types were determined by using flamephotometer in their erythrocytes. Animals having over 10 mEq/l potassium designated as high-potassium (HK) types were 10-7, 14-8 and 20-. in Tahirova, Turkgeldi and Kıvırcık sheep breeds, respectively. Animals having over 100 mEq/l sodium designated as high-sodium (HNa) type and numbers of sheep with low-sodium (LNa) and high-sodium (HNa) types were 8-9, 8-11, 2-18, respectively. Using horizontal starch jel electrophoresis technique the Hb types; A (2, -, -), AB (7,5,5) and B (8,13,15) were obtained in the mentioned breeds, respedively.Item İnfantil boz ayılarda testisin yapısal özellikleri üzerinde histolojik çalışmalar(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Özfiliz, Nesrin; Veteriner FakültesiThe study was carried out on 15 months old 2 infantile Brown bears brought to the Wild Life Research Center of Uludağ Üniversity, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There are a few studies exits on the structural aspects of the testes of adult Brown bears; but there is no study on the structural aspects of the testes of infantil Brown bears. The tissue pieces taken from three different parts of testes fixated in buffered formalin. The 5-7 p. sections cut from paraffin blocks, stained with Corssmonn 's triple stain. Gomori's silver stain, Pinkus ' orcein-giemsa stain and Mc Manus' periodic acide schiff (PAS) technique. The 10-15 p. cryostat sections were stained with oil-red 0 stain method. The average diameters of the seminiferous tubules were measured with the method of Gill and Leighton. Testes were cut longitudinally into two pieces and the lenghts were measured as 3.85 ± 0.15 cm. The tunica albuginea surrounding the testes was rich in vessels. Interstitial tissue between the seminiferous tubules was a wide loose connective tissue containing many blood vessels. There were groups of Leydig cells with their polygonal shapes. The walls of the seminiferous tubules were made up spermatogonia, primer spermatocyts, atypical cells and Sertoli cells. The average diameters of the seminiferous tubules were 105.50 ± 3.5 p.. Rete testes was lined by simple cuboidal or pyramidal epithelial cells. Ductuli efferentes were lined by ciliated colunmar epithelium whereas some of them were stained dark and the others light. Ductus epididymidis was lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia. The walls of ductus deferens of one bear was lined by simple columnar epithelium whereas the walls of the other's was lined by pseudostratified epithelium containing many vacuols between cells. The lumina of all excretory ducts were lack of spermatozoa.Item İznik ve Uluabat göllerindeki bazı balık türlerinde ağır metallerle kirlenmenin araştırılması(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Sonal, Songül; Veteriner FakültesiThe levels of the several metals were determined in the fish species collected in the İznik and Uluabat lakes. The mean cadmium, mercury. lead, copper, iron and zinc residue levels in fish were found as 0.084, 0.181, 0.387, 2.496, 13.857 and 11.770 ppm in İznik lake; 0.101, 0.255, 0.407, 2.081, 11.251 and 16.670 ppm in Uluabat lake respectively. Based on the same fish species of carp and rudd, the differences in cadmium. mercury, lead, and copper residues were not significant; in iron and zinc residues were found to be significant (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001 respectively).Item Köpeklerde üreter defektlerinin onarımında otoplasti tekniği üzerine deneysel çalışmalar-I(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yanık, Kemal; Veteriner FakültesiLa defectuosite qui dereriore longitudinalement la continuite des uretere dont la reperation est assez difficile. Cette publication pour traiter chez les chiens la defectuosite qui est longitudinalement de distal partie des uretere, en prennant de vasculer autograft de ses cornu uteriner a utilise dans cette travaille. Apres avair couper une morceau de 6 mm. de distal patie des ureteres, en prennant de vasculer, autograft de ses cornu uterines, avec la partie de libre pointe de proximal uretere on a anastomose de methode classique romme le point a point ou telescopin nipple valve. Le distal partie de graft avec La distal partie des ureter on a realise une anastomose Le point a point ou directement dorsocranioellement et unilaterallement su la vessie. Dons cette travaille on a utilise 7 chiens pour les travaux experimental et 4 chiens pour les groupes controles. La region de graft radiologiquement a ete colltrole durant 2 mois, et aussi dans le laboratoire on a fait la controle uree dans le sang, serum creatinin et les recherche microbiologique. Apres les chiens sont euthanasie pour les recherche macroscopique et histopatologique.Item Subklinik mastitislerin teşhisinde farklı analiz metodlarının kullanım olanakları(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Tavukçuoğlu, Figen; Ünal, E. Fatih; Nak, Yavuz; Nak, Deniz; Veteriner FakültesiIn this study, it was investigated the availability possibilities of direct and indirect somatic cell counts, microbiological analysis and milk serum LDH values for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis cows. Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count (DMSCC) results and milk serum LDH values were compared in CMT and microbiological analysis results positive or negative milk samples, respectively. Statistically significant differences were found between two groups. Microbic growth were seen in 22 milk samples. Staph. aureus, Coryn. pyogenes and E. coli were isolated and identified in 20, one, one samples, respectively.Item Türkiye'de tüketilen ithal uskumru balıklarında cıva ile kirlenme(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Sonal, Songül; Veteriner Fakültesiİskandinav ülkelerinden itlhal edilen uskumru balıklarında (n = 77) total civa kirliliği araştırıldı. Balık etindeki ortalama civa derişimi 0.236 ± 0.0205 ppm olarak saptandı. En fazla kirlilik düzeyi 0.100-0.500 ppm limitleri arasında (% 64.93) bulundu.Item Uluabat gölu'nde avlanan yaban ördeklerinde (anas platyrhynchos) kurşun ve kadmiyumla kirlenme(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1995) Yılmaz, Orhan; Sonal, Songül; Ceylan, Selahattin; Veteriner FakültesiResidues of leard and cadmium in liver and kidney tissues of mallards hunted in Uluabat Lake area were determined. The mean lead and cadmium residue levels were found to be 0. 706 ± 0. 085 ppm and 1. 758 ± 0.360 ppm in the liver, and 0.855 ± 0.126 ppm and 3.887 ± 0.889 ppm in the kidney respedively. In female, lead residues were measured as 0.890 ± 0.118 ppm in liver and 0.585 ± 0.048 ppm in kidney. In male, lead residues were found as 0.496 ± 0.065 ppm in liver and 1.164 ± 0. 214 ppm in kidney. Based on sexes, the differences in lead residues were found to be significant at p < 0.05 level. The residue levels of cadmium were 2.093 ± 0.417 ppm and 5.158 ± 1.330 ppm in liver and kidney of female; 1.375 ± 0.607 ppm and 2.433 ± 0.966 ppm in liver and kidney of male mallards respectively. But there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in kadmium residue levels.